The Party

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Nancy's POV:-

" What's the time, Bess? "

My dear stylo-queen, Bess Marvin responded, " It's around 11:30 am. My God! We have so much time left, since today we are not starting our trekking. Wanna go somewhere Nance? "

I nodded, but George shook her head. "Nope. I'm too tired to go anywhere, or even to get up from the bed. " We laughed. " Tired? What did you do? George, we only hopped into the car, had a three hour journey and came straight into our rooms! "

She looked furious. " Only three hour journey? You call that 'only'? My limbs are aching so so so much! " Bess and I rolled our eyes. "Whatever! "

After leaving George in our room, Bess and I came out to wander around. The resort was extremely spacious with gardens gardens everywhere,  a huge swimming pool with waist length water. There was a playing room in the hotel, a gym, a spa, a party room, a kids room, two restaurants, a library and a laundry room.

We were just about to exit the hotel when we noticed a man entering a room surrounded by three hotel staffs. It was perhaps the manager of the hotel. He was in his early fifties, perhaps. Suddenly, a hand hit my shoulder. It was George. " I thought you needed to rest as you were tired? " I teased. She rolled her eyes and grinned. " Thought to see what you idiots are up to. Who's that? "

"Hey, we're not idiots! And find out for yourself. " Bess said, huffing. These two cousins!

Ms. Rose came running up to the manager and hugged him. " Oh uncle! How are you? It's been so long since we met! "

The manager smiled. " How's my baby niece doing? It's so nice to see you. "

" Uncle, I'm not a baby now! I'm grown up! " Ms. Rose laughed. The manager laughed too. Just then, Ms. Rose noticed us standing there and staring at them. She beckoned us nearer and introduced us to the manager. " Girls, this is my uncle and the manager of this hotel, Christopher Maxwell. Uncle, this is the best athlete in my sports club, George Fayne. This is her cousin Bess Marvin and this is the most famous detective in the city of River Heights, Nancy Drew. "

The manager shook our hands and I could feel he stared at me for a longer time, before he mumbled to himself, "She's a detective too. I wonder..... " An uncomfortable feeling settled at the pit of my stomach. Was I hallucinating?

My thoughts fled away at the next speech he gave. " Well, girls. I'm throwing a party tonight for my little niece and I'm inviting some of my family and friends. If you three wish, you are always welcome. " We gasped. " Why, thanks a lot Mr. Maxwell. We would love to come! " Bess said. He smiled. " And I would love to have you all, too. "

After we had our lunch, we went to our rooms to rest. The party was going to start at 8:00 pm and it would continue till midnight. We were so very excited.

George's Dress 🔺

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George's Dress 🔺

George's Dress 🔺

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Bess's Dress 🔺

Nancy's Dress 🔺

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Nancy's Dress 🔺

At exactly around 7.50 pm, we met with Ms. Rose outside the party room. Ms Rose waved at us, and we waved back at her.

The party room was crowded with people wearing fancy dresses. After some time, a ball began. Mr. Maxwell went with Ms. Rose. We trio were sitting near a large table. Two young men came from the core of the party and asked Bess and George to dance with them. Bess beamed. " Sure! " George smiled. " I would love to! " And with that, the couples went on to dance.

I scanned the room. There was a disco light, for which the entire room seemed dark and the faces were not quite recognisable.

After about 30 minutes, Bess and George came and sat beside me, fanning themselves with their hands. " Oh my gosh! It's so hot! Let's get some drinks. " I couldn't agree any less. We went to the table where drinks were distributed, and I noticed party face masks being sold. We bought one each.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice speaking a little away from us. " Frank, how can we possibly find them? " I turned around to see my dear friends Frank and Joe Hardy! What are they doing here? Are they staying here too? Seeing the two most beloved friends of mine standing in front of me, an idea popped in my head. I beckoned George and Bess nearer, and together, we put up a plan.......

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