Reunited With The Boys

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" Well, that's all Ms. We have nothing else to say. You and your friends can leave now, we have a lot of work to do. " Whoa! Was that something a police officer says? " Come on, Nancy. Let's go. " Said Joe. Phew! I was so excited to hear the news of the postmortem, but this police officer gave a hopless answer. As we left from the police station and hired a car to reach our hotel, I thought of Ned. We're they going to come? I checked my phone for any messages from Ned. There it was. It said, "Sorry Nan. There are no tickets. Shall join you in your next case. "

Oh no! I was so very excited for Ned's arrival, I missed him so badly! What what could he do, if there were no tickets? Putting my phone down, I stared outside the window. Wow! The city was looking extremely beautiful, full of life, laughter and.... parties. Well, the party portion was not quite impressive to me, since in Los Angeles nowadays, parties meant mishap. Mishap meant druggists. But for me, there's another mishap.... Rain! I really hated raining. But to my disappointment, there was continuous shower since the day of the murder.

" Bess, George, where are you guys? Open the door, fast! " These two girls! We were knocking the door for such a long time, but they were not opening it. I was starting to feel worried. Were they alright? I hoped so. Just then, George opened the door, looking drowsy. " What the hell do you thi k yoh were doing? I was so worried for you. " I shrieked as George, as soon as the door opened. " Sorry, guys. We actually felt sleepy, so we slept as soon as we entered our room after talking with Ms. Rose. What did the police tell? " In reply, I, Frank and Joe stared at each other before I spoke. " Bad news. The report of postmortem tells that he was having a heart attack and that caused his death. But when we asked the police about those wounds, they simple shook their head after telling that Advik probably stabbed himself as he couldn't bear the pain of heart attack any longer. But that was really a stupid thing to tell. "

" So the police are not going to investigate this case? " Bess asked. I shook my head. " No. We have to find out what happened ourselves. Somehow, I feel that Advik's death that man's death are related. But..... " Just then, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw.......

And saw the handsome face of my boyfriend, Ned Nickerson, grinning down at me! What a surprise! I blinked twice, before I smiled at him and my smile changed to a grin after hugging him. Behind him were Burt and Dave, smiling widely. " Who's there, Nance? " Bess asked. I moved aside, revealing Ned, Burt and Dave. George and Bess stood up from their beds, dumbfounded. " Dave? Burt? " The three boys started laughing, much to George and Bess's annoyance. " Couldn't you have told us? " Bess asked Dave, who wrapped his arms around Bess and smiled, " Then you wouldn't have gone through such a surprise! "

We were all very happy, for be reunited with our boyfriends. It was decided that we would order our food in our room itself, including Frank and Joe. Well, that was sort of a picnic, wasn't it?

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