The Conversation With Ms. Rose

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Well, I had to admit that the boys gave a wonderful surprise. I couldn't be happier than seeing Dave by my side. Unable to resist myself from talking with him, I asked " How did you came, Dave? And what's your room no? And whose idea was it, to surprise us? " He looked at me, wrapped his arm around me and said, " It was all Ned and Nancy's idea. Ned booked the flight tickets yesterday and we are staying in room no 283, just opposite yours. " I was astounded. I looked at Nancy. She was sitting with Ned and chattting about our investigations. Everyone seemed so excited. Everyone, except Frank and Joe. I understood why. Alright, so I had to gain everyone's attention to make everyone happy. " Ahem... " Everyone looked at me. " Okay, so I just wanted to tell that you three haven't heard about our conversation with Ms. Rose. George, if you will..... "

That was great, I thought to myself. Everyone's attention turned towards George as she spoke, even Frank and Joe looked excited again. She began: " Bess had got it right. Advik and Ms. Rose really loved each other very much. They had first met in a marriage party. Advik's neighbour was Ms. Rose's uncle or something like that, so I hope you can understand.... She is extremely upset about Advik's death. She literally broke down into heavy sobs at the mention of his name. I feel sorry for her. Porr Ms. Rose! " Nancy's brows met for sometime before she asked, " Did you get any information about Advik from her? "

Now, it was my time to speak. I began: " A very intellectual person, a nerd boy, a hardworking sweet fellow. Extremely courageous and soft hearted..... These are all the adjectives Ms. Rose gave about her past lover. Moreover, we found out that Advik worked in an office in India and he was called by Ms. Rose to join her in this trip. Well, we got one more extremely vital info..... Advik and Ms. Rose were getting married the next month! But alas! " I paused, looking at others.

Our food had already arrived, so we decided to eat first, and then check those files the Hardy Boys got, and to fill in the boys about what all actually happened. Cool... I was feeling extremely hungry and seeing the food watered my mouth (as usual)!

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