Suspect Number Two

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" Oh hi! Have you two figured anything out yet? " I asked Frank and Joe as we entered our room. It was already 10:00 pm and our dinner with Ms. Rose went well. They shook their heads, replying in the negative. Just then, there was a knock on the door. We opened it to see Bess and Dave. " What we're you two doing? Just visiting the mall and the museum doesn't take so much time! " Burt asked Dave to which the latter replied, " Oh, we were getting bored, so we decided to watch a movie. It was all Bess's idea. It was such a wonderful movie! "

" But where's Nancy and Ned? " Bess asked suddenly, making us tensed. That was true, where is this couple? Just then,  " They will come late. They are engrossed in an important work. No need to worry for them. " Frank said, looking up from his mobile. " WHAT? " We all asked in union. " Calm down guys, that's what Nancy has written to me. Perhaps they have got some leads for this case, you never know. Come on, stop worying about them. They are gonna be alright. "

We all had completed our dinner, so we decided to check the files we got from Advik's room. One of the files was a print out of Advik's passport, another was a print out of his so called 'Adhaar Card'. There Advik's info was written- parents' name, location, age, etc. There was another file which was a job application in a company called 'Huawei India. ' But it was dated two months ago, and to add on to the mystery, another file had a script of some sort of play written in it. Ms. Rose had told me that Advik was working in a company for over a year, but these files......

Joe meanwhile, had dialled the number of ZEE BANGLA which was the name of the play-company and conveyed us the information that Advik was working in their company for two months. He had taken leave for this month and had promised to join again the next month. " So that meant this job application turned out to be negative, so Advik sought out a new company for him. " Joe finished. Unable to resist myself, I spoke, " But that changes everything! Ms. Rose told us that Advik was working in a company for over a year! So does that mean Ms. Rose is unaware of her lover's job or did Advik not tell Ms. Rose where he worked and simply lied? "

" So we have got one suspect now- Ms. Rose. " Frank concluded. " Two. " I corrected him. " Nancy suspects Mr. Maxwell and says that she feels he is suspicious. " Frank raised his eyebrows. " Mr. Maxwell? I never thought of him. Why, he looks immocent?! " Joe looked at his brother and said, " I think Nancy's right. When we are suspecting his nephew, we shall suspect him as well..... "

It was already 11:00pm, so we all went to sleep. " Don't worry, Nancy will be alright. " Bess said, comforting me, when she saw I was constantly looking at the clock. I nodded and laid on the bed. Who knew where she is now or what she is doing?

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