My World Over The Phone

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It was already more than three days and neither of my boys had called me yet. On the other hand, I knew they might be engaged in investigation, so I didn't call them myself. But my wife Laura kept on telling " Oh, Fenton! Please do call them. They are so small! They might be in some danger! What if they get arrested? What if the criminals keep them as prisoners in some other country? What if they are injured and not well? What if..... " And this was my regular reply to her silly concern---" Oh please Laura, nothing has happened to our children. They can take good care of themselves and after all, they are grown up and are detectives working for the government run ATAC! " But today, I thought to call my world, Frank and Joe myself. Not because I was worried about them, but because I wanted to hear their voice again.

The phone rang six times before it was answered.
---" Hello? Frank Hardy speaking. "
---" Hello Mr. I am Yaxley Dryton from Russia. I wished to..... "
( I tried to speak in a more hard and Russian accent before Frank cut right through me)
---" My Goodness! Do you really think that would help you? "
( I couldn't help but laugh.)
---" Nice to meet you, Mr. Hardy after so long. I think you remember me? "
( There was giggling at the other side of the phone before the reply came)
---" You better make me remember? "
( Well, so my dear Frank wanted some fun. Good, I'll make him smile for sure)
---" Well.... This might help you remember:-
Fenton Laura Frank and Joe
Mom and Dad, Me and Bro
Love each other very much
You'll never find a family such
As ours, I promise you
Duru Du. DuruDu Du. "
---" Whoa Dad! You still remember this? "
---" Of course, my dear. It was the first ever poem you and brother made, at the age of four years! "
( I could hear silent sobs on the other end)
---" Frank, dear are you crying? "
---" No dad.... It's just......the Memory..... I miss you. "
---" We miss you too. "
( There was silence for a long time before I broke it.)
---" Tell me, how's your investigation going on? How's Joe? "
---" Joe's fine and the investigation's going on excellent! There has been a murder, you know. And we have clues too, within such a short period of time! Salute to us! Anyway, you know, dad we ran into Nancy and her friends! "
---" Who Nancy? "
---" How many Nancys do we know? Its Mr. Drew's daughter, Nancy Drew, of course! "
---" Oh yes! I was just kidding. Well, how did you meet with her? "
---" Long story, shall tell you later. What's mum doing? "
---" Ah! She's asleep. We had dinner early today. "
---" Oh, I see."
--- Well, have you had your dinner? "
---" No, we are going to. Nancy, her friends and we are staying in the same hotel. We're in this case together! "
---" Great, good luck finding your criminal. But be sure to take care of yourselves. I don't want to see you two injured, did you get that? "
---" Yes, absolutely. Well, Thanks dad. Send my regards to mum. "
---" I'll, bye dear. "
---" Goodbye dad! "

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