The Brilliant Plan

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" Who was it? " I asked Frank as he put down the phone. He wiped a tear and said that it was Dad. I looked at him in surprise and asked, " But why are you crying? " He stared at the floor for sometime and replied, " It's just.... Do you remember the first ever poem we made? In our fours years of age? " I was silent for sometime as the memories flashed in my mind, before I remembered it. " Oh yes, definitely! How can I forget that? But...... " I broke off, as a tear formed in my eyes as well. Frank looked at me and asked, " I hope you now know why I'm crying? " I was numb. I didn't know what to say. It was our grandma who had taught us to write poems. She was very near and dear to us; she was very humble, sweet natured and friendly. But the night we made this poem, which was dedicated to her, she passed away before we could tell her. We had lost a friend, a part of our soul that day. I looked up at him to see him nodding. " Let's go, have our dinner. It's already late. Nancy and her friends shall be waiting for us by now. " I agreed to him and after dressing up, we went downstairs.

" Hi, Frank! Hi, Joe! " Nancy waved at us. I was surprised to see only Nancy sitting in the restaurant. " Hey, aren't Bess and George coming? " She shook her head at my question and said, " Nope. They are not going to come. They are kinda tired, I don't know why, so they ordered their food in the room itself. " We ordered our food as we settled in the cosy chairs of the restaurant. Frank said, " Well, since Bess and George are not here, I think it's better to ask you now...... What are we going to do tomorrow? " Nancy kept silent for some time then replied with a question, " What do you two think? " Frank looked at me before I answered, " Let's do one thing, let's work on the clues first thing tomorrow. Then, umm...." I broke off, not knowing what to say. Nancy had an idea. " No, first thing we do tomorrow is to talk with Ms. Rose and gather some information on Advik, and the other man, if she knew anything. " We agreed to it.

After stuffing a large piece of chicken in my mouth, I asked, " Did you get some information on the murderer or Advik when you investigated his room? " Nancy stared at her food for sometime before raising her eyebrows, widening her eyes, widening her smile, looking at us and exclaiming in an awed undertone, " Of course, how could I forget this! I do think we can get some information on Advik ourselves. You never know, Ms. Rose could have been the killer too! I mean, when you are a sleuth, you have to believe in probabilities. " We stared at her and asked, " What did you find in his room? " She looked excitedly at us and answered, " Files! In his drawer! We can get at least some information from that! "

We thought and thought how to get our hands on those files, when Frank suddenly exclaimed, " I know! We can dress up as a room cleaner, go to his room, act as if cleaning the room and steal those files! I mean, not steal, but take.You getting me, aren't you? " I and Nancy exchanged glances and grinned. I slapped (lightly) on Frank's back and exclaimed, " That's my brother! " He rolled his eyes, making us laugh. Yes, that was a good idea. Great, I should say. So it was decided that tomorrow morning, Frank and I would do the job and meet with the girls in their room later on, since it was late tonight.

After having our dinner, we  wished Nancy good night and parted to our room.

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