The Sudden Encounter

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Nancy's POV:-

Frank and Joe were so very scared! As we stepped forwards, the brothers stepped backwards until their backs touched the wall. I could see them gulp, very audibly might I add. I couldn't wait any longer to see their reaction when they saw us behind the masks.

I took off my mask and the brothers stated at me, flabbergasted, before they blinked one. Then twice, opened their mouth several times and closed them, resembling a gaping fish and finally said, " N.. Nancy? Is it..... Is it really you? "

" Of course it's me! Oh my God! Your expression was priceless! " I said, snickering. The brothers breathed a sigh of releif.

" It was you, who spoke, wasn't it? " Frank asked looking at George. She took off her mask and laughed, nodding.

Bess exclaimed, " Oh gosh! Your faces were really...... really......" Bess imitated their scared faces and this time, Frank and Joe joined us in laughing too.

But I was wondering something else. There had to be some reason behind Frank and Joe's arrival. It couldn't be they were for the trekking too; the club was confined to River Heights only.

I couldn't resist myself any longer and asked them, " Why are you here, by the way? " Frank looked at me, utterly bewildered.

" You don't know? " He questioned with a raised eyebroq. I shook my head. " Nothing? " He asked me again. " What are you talking about? " I huffed in frustation.

" Los Angeles is a complete chaos, had been, for quite a few weeks. It has been noticed that some druggists are on the run. Whenever they are being invited to a party, they are drugging people. We were called by ATAC to solve the case. And after some research, we came into the conclusion to visit Mr. Maxwell, since he was 'the common inviter' and he invited us to this party to investigate. "

As he finished, I stared at them, both my eye brows raised in shock, and my mouth opened wide. Frank pushed it closed, chuckling. " Close your mouth, Nance. We don't want flies entering now, do we? "

I clenched my fists, trying to compress my anger. Noticing my gritted teeth, Joe frowned. " What's the matter, Nance? You're eerily..... quiet. "

" COULDN'T YOU TWO TELL ME ABOUT THIS? EVEN IF NOT AS A FELLOW DETECTIVE, ATLEAST AS A FRIEND? " I questioned in disbelief. Luckily, noone heard because of the blasting music.

Joe and Frank said in union, scrating their neck awkwardly, " Uh.. Um... Sorry about that Nancy. We thought you knew." I pouted, giving in to their apologies.

But, surely, this would have been shown in the television? Dad must have seen this, then why didn't he tell me?

The five of us sat at a table with drinks. We chatted and chatted, but my mind was racing further. This seemed really dangerous. If the druggists were on the loose, that was definitely not something to be kept rested. I had gathered all the information needed from Frank, and I had them convinced to let me help them in this case. They kept refusing, but after seeing my stubbornness, they finally gave in.

Suddenly, Bess shook me and I came back to the present time. " What's the matter? What are you thinking? " She asked." Nothing" I lied.

Joe understood what I was thinking about, so he nodded at me with an expression of 'don't worry, relax your mind' and a reaasuring smile. I smiled back at him, and asked Bess, " Well, what were you telling? "

" Oh, I was asking them to join us in trekking. It would be wonderful.... I mean... With more friends, the trek would be much more enjoyable. "

But before I could reply, someone ran into the room, took a mic and coughed awkwardly, gaining everyone's attention.

He looked extremely scared, sad and tired, alerting us even further. What was it that was bugging him?

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