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" No way! I'm not wearing this. " I huffed as I came out of the trial room wearing the red off shoulder dress suggested by Bess. " I tell you, the black one suits her the best. " George quipped, gaining a nod from me. "Fine. But I'm taking the white cocktail dress. " Bess sighed.

" Come on, guys. Are you ready? " I asked to the two most annoying friends anyone could have. George came out, looking like an angel. And next came Bess, looking drop dead gorgeous. It was 7pm, and Mr. Maxwell had invited us to join him in a party tonight. The boys except the Hardys had already gone home, as their exams were going to resume from tomorrow. " Nan, you look.... Marvelous! " Bess exclaimed, looking at me with saucer like eyes.

Bess's dress:-

George's dress:-

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George's dress:-

George's dress:-

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My dress:-

"Ready? Let's go

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"Ready? Let's go. "

As we walked down the stairs, I noticed Frank and Joe already waiting for us outside the party room. And oh my God! Frank was looking sooooo good in the black dress, which matched mine perfectly!

Frank's dress:-

Frank's dress:-

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Joe's dress:-

"Girls, you all look so gorgeous! " Joe exclaimed once we neared them

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"Girls, you all look so gorgeous! " Joe exclaimed once we neared them. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Frank gawking at me. " Let's go, shall we? " The younger Hardy asked.

" You look beautiful, Nance! " Frank whispered to me once we went inside. " Um... T-thanks. You don't look bad your self. " I muttered to him,and saw him smiling a distant smile.
The party room was decorated with beautiful multicolored lights, as a soft music played in the background. " Ah, here you are, at last. " Mr. Maxwell exclaimed as he saw us approaching. " What a pleasure to have such beautiful youngsters as you. Come on, come on, let's enjoy the party together. " Saying this, he directed us to a large table.

" Ladies and gentlemen, today's party is a bit special. Why? Because today we have threee famous teen detectives with us, and two of their amazing friends. Miss Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, along with their friends Miss Bess Marvin and Miss George Fayne have helped to solve the case of the murder, which is probably no more a secret. I want to thank them from the core of my heart for helping me with my reputation as a CEO of chain of hotels in LA. So, ladies and gentlemen, let us enjoy ourselves and.... Cheers! " Mr. Maxwell finished, as " Cheers! " boomed all over the room.

" Oh no, it's really nothing. It was our duty, Mr. Maxwell, to help you. " I said for about the hundredth time on Mr. Maxwell's innumerable 'thank you's, as I looked around the party room. Men were dancing with their partners everywhere, while some chatterboxes were chatting away, and some men were drinking the night away. I noticed from the corner of my eyes Frank and Joe whispering something, while Frank was stealing glances towards me every now and then. I don't know what happened to him? I have noticed that after our kiss, which was to be an act, he was acting weird around me. He was always giving me a goofy smile, he always kept on complimenting me, he kept on assisting me wherever I go. It's not that we didn't do the past one before, as we have worked together before as well. But the first two?
Stop blaming everything on him. You do that too. My subconsciousness reminded me.
Well, not as much as him. I thought.
But you still do it. Teeny tiny bit, but yeah, you do it. She reminded me again.

I was brought out from my chain of thoughts by Frank bowing his hand in front of me. " Umm... Would you like to go for a dance with... Umm... Me? " He stammered, nervousness clear in his voice. I chuckled. " Sure. "

As he led me to the dance floor, I couldn't help but wonder about my conflict with my subconsciousness. Was it true?
Yes, it is. She interrupted again.
But the question is, why is it so weird to me? I no doubt enjoy Frank's company as a friend. Scratch that, as good friends. But this feeling.... Is it really just friendship? Or is it.... " Nance, you all right? " Frank asked. I nodded whilst smiling. " Yeah. How's Callie? " I asked, but regretted it once I noticed Frank's pained and cold expression. There was an awkward silent, thankfully Frank broke it. " We broke up. She cheated on me. Anyways, I don't regret it much. She was always so bossy and arrogant and started being rude to Joe the last few months. "

I nodded. " Sorry... Wait. Did you say last few months? " I asked, getting confused. Frank gave a nervous laugh. " Yeah, it's been three months we broke up. And please don't be sorry. You don't have anything in this. " I smiled weakly. " Still, it must be painful for you. You loved her so much... " I started, but Frank cut through. " How would you feel if Ned broke up with you? And what would you have done? " He asked, the last part hardly audible, but I heard it nonetheless.

"Hmm.... " I thought about it for a while before replying, earning a chuckle from the elder Hardy. " I'll congratulate him for the rest of his life and show him what a big mistake he had done. Anyways, I guess we should head back you know, we have been dancing for quite a while..... " I trailed off, while Frank nodded. " Yeah, let's go. Looks like George is the third wheel between my brother and Bess. " He added, making me turn around and stifle my laughter that threatened to escape anytime soon. George was really having a grave time, between Bess and Joe, who were constantly flirting between themselves. I grinned. " Yeah, let's go. "

" So, I hope y'll love the party. Thanks once again to you detectives. " Mr. Maxwell said once we sat down at the table. " It's nothing, really. We love helping others, and solving crimes. " Frank said, while I kept wondering about our conversation while the dance. I don't know why, but when Frank asked what I would do if Ned cheated on me, a small voice in my head said FRANK. I shook my head, pushing the ridiculous thoughts aside. " Toast to Los Angeles. " Everyone said in unison around me. I smiled. " Toast to Los Angeles. "

                                                    THE  END

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