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You stood in the lineup, fresh meat for the military to train and mould into a new soldier. Countless other teenagers stood around you, all of them at attention as the man on the stage bolted out a massive lecture about performance and acceptance. You'd heard it already, it was all summarized in the pamphlet you'd read that decided your fate.

Next to you stands a rather grumpy looking boy, glaring at the commander from behind jagged black bangs. Compared to you, he wasn't all that short, however, compared to even the teen standing next to him (red-haired with a mischievous look behind their glasses) he looked absolutely tiny.

You snapped back to attention when the commander shouted something out to the group, declaring he was going to assign bunks. You prayed it was unisex, something about sharing bunks with everyone made it easier to blend in. You weren't here to make friends, you were here to make history.

"-Bunk number five is Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe, Mike Zacharius, and Lance!" the commander declared. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught the red-haired teen smiling up at- good gods that man is huge- a massive lumbering blond man who gave them a thumbs up in response.

Oh pray for your soul, you were bunking with them.

Reaching up, you shift your goggles on the top of your head. They were a gift from your parents before they went missing in the line of duty. You'd grown up in a very military-police-centred household, however, something about the scout regiment had always drawn you in. That is what you stood here for, to become the next commander- or at least a captain- in the scout regiment. To see the outside world.

These goggles were merely a reminder of that fact. Of the fact to not get too attached. Very few people joined the scout regiment due to its dangers. It was highly unlikely you would see more than three people in this crowd again, let alone anyone who dared to befriend you.

"Dismissed! Breakfast is at five sharp! Don't be late!" the Commander ordered, and slowly people began to trickle out of the gathering area with their bags towards their bunks.

You picked up your duffle bag and marched yourself over to bunk five. Much to your surprise, you were followed by the loud chattering of the red-head and the blond. With a huffed sigh, you push open the door to your new home.

There were exactly three bunk beds in the bunk. Apparently, whoever else was meant to be here dropped out before even finishing the entrance ceremony.

"Coward," you grumble, chucking your bag at the bunk closest to the door. You rummage through the bag to find your blankets, knowing how cold it'll get thanks to your parents' experience.

"Pardon?" someone asks above you, forcing you to look up with wide eyes at the towering blond man above you. He's not the one you saw earlier talking with the red-head. Which means there are two of them.
"Titans save me, they're multiplying," you grumble, looking back down to your luggage rather than up at the hunk of man above you. You weren't here to make friends, not even with your bunkmates- even if your bunkmates made your collar feel hot and bothered.

"You keep mumbling like that and we'll think you're just like shorty over here," the other blond calls from across the room, causing you to shoot a glare behind yourself as he thumbs at the stalky, black-haired boy that had been next to you during the ceremony.

Great, he's here too. That's what you wished you could say, instead you grabbed your towel and cleaning supplies out of the bag and stalked to the door.

"Think whatever you'd like, I won't be here for long," you scoff, stepping out into the night and heading over to the showers.

The next few months were going to be hell on Earth.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now