White Lies You Tell Yourself

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Nothing was quite the same after your first mission. You'd woken up still curled up to Mike, and almost immediately there was the Commander standing at the foot of the bed. You quickly jumped out of bed, saluting him.

"Sir!" you said quietly, hoping that Mike wouldn't wake up.

"At ease Captain," he dismisses, waving his hand and leaving you blinking at him.

"C-captain?" you stutter to repeat.

"The way I see it is either I split up the best squad the scouts have seen in years, or appoint someone the Captain. The latter seemed more appealing to the survival of humanity," he explains, gesturing to those sleeping around Mike.

"But me? Why not Levi? Or Erwin?"

"You charged yourself into a mass of titans to save cadet Mike. You amputated his leg in the back of a wagon. They all know hand signals and commands that you give out. You are the most logical choice-" he walks over and places his hand on your shoulder- "They trust you, Captain."

You slowly look to your sleeping friends, swallowing your pride as you meet the Commander's gaze.
"Thank you, Commander. But see things from my angle, I saved him because my heart faltered, I couldn't even save my own Captain yet I was ready to lay my life down on the line for Mike. They only trust me thanks to Erwin's brilliant plans and Levi's skill."

"Captain, you fail to see that you don't have a choice in this. Your previous Captain lost their squad in battle, I saw them fight just as hard as you did for Mike. A squad isn't a brilliant leader and brainless lackeys, it's a brilliant team with someone who carries the burden for the rest of them."

You open your mouth to speak, the words catching in your throat.
"... let them smile, I'll bear the burden for them," you whisper, your head hanging down to stare at your feet.

"Congratulations Captain. Your bunks have been reassigned to the third floor Captain's bunks. Your belongings will be moved for you," the Commander explains before turning on his heel.
"We have a meeting at nine sharp. Don't be late."

As you watched him walk away, sinking down to the floor to lean against Mike's bed, all you could think of was how you'd hadn't slept alone in months.

You'd left before the others woke up, sneaking off to the mess hall to grab yourself breakfast despite your nervous stomach. You at least needed some food after the mess of last night.
The most you managed was to grab a scone off the counter before realizing you were about to be late to the meeting. Dashing out of the mess hall, you tugged on your Scout's jacket, racing up the stairs to the Commander's room where meetings were held.

You made it just in time to quietly slip in the back and take the only empty seat in the room. There were a total of three Captains, including yourself. Neither of them acknowledged you as you sat down with more than a nod of their heads.

The meeting was far more boring than you'd realized. It was like listening to Erwin's plans if Erwin spoke in a monotone. You kept your mouth shut apart from suggesting different maneuvers to use in case of titans flanking on the upcoming mission they were planning.

Out of the people in that room, you were by far the youngest. It felt increasingly obvious, especially when the Commander asked for you to stay when the other two left the room.

"Commander?" you asked, turning back to him.

"Lance, how are you feeling through all this?" he asked, looking just as nervous as you felt.

"I have to admit, I don't particularly see why you promoted me."

"Your parents."


It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now