Keep Me Close

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Sunlight nudged you awake from the other side of your eyelids as you opened them to find yourself sandwiched between Erwin and Mike, with Reiner, Bertolt and Annie laying across the three of you. Mike's arm was draped across Reiner's back- who was currently laying on your stomach- with Bertolt tucked between you and Erwin. Annie was draped across Mike's back and your stomach like a lazy cat.

You were completely boxed in, unable to sit up more than a few inches to peer over Mike. Levi and Hange were nowhere in sight, the only indication of them being the chattering down the hall of Hange's familiar voice.

"-So I told Moblit that it's his turn to fill out the paperwork. I'm tired of always accounting for the failed experiments!" Hange exclaimed, swinging the door to the room open.

"They are your experiments," Levi pointed out, "You're accountable for their failure."

"So?! He can take some responsibility for spill vials," Hange whined as they shut the door closed.

"What time is it?" you yawned, staring at them from the slightly propped-up position as Reiner continued to snore on your chest.

"A little bit past eight, we let you and command central sleep in for today. The Garrison and M.P. said they'd handle the rest since we found ourselves preoccupied," Hange shrugged, walking over and setting the tray of coffee mugs down on the coffee table.

"Hange, you didn't mention the-?" you started to say, looking down at the three sleeping kids.

"No, Pyxis apparently did, and the M.P. got word from Nile," Hange shrugged their shoulders, staring down at the bed with a bemused smile.

"In short, we have the day off because all of the militaries now know we adopted three kids," Levi grumbles, setting a bag of scones down next to the tray.

"Five more minutes," Mike pleaded next to you, pulling you back down to the bed with a soft thud.

You turned your head to him, checking his face for any sign of life, yet you found him still dead to the world.

"He's still asleep- speaking of adoption though, is there any paperwork we need to fill out? Any requests?" you ask, complying with the sleeping teddy bear and continuing to lay down.

"Well, since they're technically already wards of the crown, we just need to sign our names under the correct lines-" Hange started.

"They're ours legally already. Erwin has a stamp for his signature that's for when the captains have to sign a document but there's not enough space. We stamped the papers and sent them in," Levi explains, sitting down on the armchair next to the coffee table.
"Levi! That's a forgery! That's illegal!" you exclaimed in shock, saying it to quickly to catch your volume.

"What's a forgery?" Erwin mumbles next to you, lifting his head a little off the pillow with a yawn.

"Congratulations Erwin! We're parents!" Hange exclaims, forgetting her volume as well.

He blinks at her, yawning a little and moving his arm to rub his eyes. He's about to say something- his mouth opening- when you feel stirring next to you. He looks down at the same time to see Bertolt curl close to his chest, whimpering quietly.

The room drops into silence as the four awake members look at him with furrowed brows. However, for Erwin, there's no hesitation to scoop him up gently until he's laying on top of Erwin's chest, his large hand resting on his tiny back.

"Ssh little one, it's okay," he murmurs, rubbing small circles on Bertolt's back.

You tilt your head, cradling it in your hand as you gaze up at him with a small smile across your lips.
"I don't think the Commander has any protests," you chuckle quietly.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now