Silent "I love You's"

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By the time you finish training, you are exhausted, and so are the kids. You'd taken the squads through three different courses, done far too many laps to count, and lectured too many people on the proper use of ODM gear. Thankfully, you had the assistance of Mike and Hange, or between managing the Scouts and your kids, you'd have dropped unconscious from exhaustion hours ago.

"You're dismissed! Go rest in your barracks, and don't forget you have the day off tomorrow!" you shout across the courtyard to the scouts mingling about.

They turn and salute you, before trudging off towards the gear storage to put away their ODM gear, a few of them pawning their equipment off on their friends in favour of better seats in the mess hall. You turn your attention to the five people standing next to you.

Hange is currently leaning against Mike, half-awake as Bertolt dozes off in his arms. Annie is standing quietly with her arms folded at their feet. Looking down, you see Reiner reaching up to you with grabby hands - asking to be picked up.

"So, why don't we grab some dinner?" you propose to the group, bending down and scooping up the exhausted Reiner in your arms.

"Food sounds perfect," Mike agrees, smiling down at you as you adjust Reiner carefully.

"Well, let's get going then. You can fall asleep afterwards, Hange," you chuckle, leaning forwards and kissing Hange's cheek as Mike rubs their shoulder to wake them up.

"Wha- oh- dinner- right, yes, let's get going," they mumble, reaching their hand down for Annie's as they straighten up.

Annie cautiously takes their hand as the four of you start to walk towards the mess hall. Soldiers run past you, all headed to the same place. A brief thought flashes in your mind.

"Shit, that's right- they're serving stew today. Perhaps it's best if one of us goes in to grab the food and we eat in Erwin's office?" you state, filling the others in as you reach the top of the stairs that lead to the mess hall.

Below, you can hear cheering and a ruckus caused by the cadets devouring their bowls as quickly as they can. You really don't want to go down there and get the kids caught in the mess.

"You want me to go?" Mike offers, turning to you and Hange as his thumb gently strokes the nape of Bertolt's neck while the boy dozes on his chest.

"If you don't mind- the crowd might run me over if I go," you groan at the thought, you weren't nearly as imposing as Mike's height was.

"Are you kidding (Y/N)? Out of the three of us, you're the one the cadets are most afraid of," Hange states, their eyebrows creased in the middle of their forehead as they stare at you.

"Hange, I'm about as terrifying as Annie thinks she is," you joke, gesturing down to the little girl who is desperately trying to intimidate the wall with her glare.

"No, Hange's right. I've seen them cower when I run drills, but never as much as when you're running them. You quiet the room when you walk in," Mike confirms.

"Alright, enough. You're just describing Levi at this point," you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you tap your foot impatiently. "Why don't I prove it? I'll go down there and get our food. If I'm wrong, I'll take the night shift for a week. But if I'm right, you two have to take it for a week."

"Deal," they both say, stepping back so that you could pass them by to walk down to the mess hall.

"Reiner, honey, do you want to help Baba get dinner?" you whisper to the boy in your arms currently peering curiously towards the stairs.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now