Lonley Nights

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No one had expected an attack on the wall. You were not prepared by any means, even when you'd received notice of the wall breach it was too late for any of the scouts to launch into the action, the city already overrun with titans with no identity to the attacking titans.

So the scouts had been placed on damage control. Which meant your squad was currently responsible for a sector in the city where refugees from the Shiganshina district were being filtered.

Your squad, Rashad, Lauda, and Deiter's squads had been given citizen care; locating lost children, identifying the dead, and passing out blankets and water.

Dirk, Marlene, and Klaus's squads had tasked with finding all those dead they could. Darius and Levi's squads were in charge of protecting Dirk, Marlene, and Klaus's squads.

Hange and Harold's squads were attending to the wounded.

Finally, Erwin and Mike were working together with the other military sections to make sure they had enough room and board for those displaced.

You'd been helping out a few families, finally reuniting the toddler who'd been separated from her parents. Wiping off your brow, you sat down on a nearby bench, checking over your list of tasks. You'd handed out all your supplies, checked up on the number of families you'd been required to look after, and identified a few of the dead bodies that'd been brought into the morgue.

It was about time you went to go see Erwin and Mike, you thought to yourself as you stood up from the bench. Turning to walk down the hall, something tugs on your pant leg, snagging your attention.

You turn towards what had snagged on your pants, staring at a skinny boy, no older than six, with short black hair and a narrow face. Tears were running down his cheeks as he clutched your pant leg, as well as the hand of the boy standing behind him. A slightly shorter boy with shaggy blond hair and eyes that kept darting everywhere.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you quietly murmur, crouching down and taking out a handkerchief. "Did you lose your parents?"

The boy nods as you wipe the snot and tears on his face.

"W-we can't find our uncle anywhere," he sniffles.

"Okay calm down, deep breaths- I'll help you find him. What's your name?" you explain, watching him rub his eyes. How'd you manage to miss another family missing a kid?

"B-Bertolt," he sniffles- "That's Reiner," he says, nodding to the blond next to him.

"It's nice to meet you Bertolt and Reiner, I'm (Y/N). Why don't we go find your uncle? Okay?" you state, rising up as Bertolt nods again. You startle slightly as Reiner reaches up, a nervous expression on his face.

"You want up?" you ask, crouching back down.

He nods his head slowly, glancing around the hallway.

"Alright, you can help point out your uncle then. Okay?" you hum, reaching forwards for Reiner.

"Me too?" Bertolt requests quietly.

You smile at him and nod, picking up first and placing him on your shoulders. He holds on tightly, producing a chuckle from your lips as you pick up Riener and place him on your hip. He curls in close, gripping your scout jacket.

"Are you two comfortable?" you double-check, waiting for a response.

"Yeah," Bertolt confirms for you, signalling you to start walking again.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now