Take Your Shot

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You'd woken up tangled in the bodies of your squad in the large Captain's bed. The first time in weeks you'd yet to have a nightmare of them dying over and over again. A smile crept across your face as you stared down at their sleeping faces. Safe and within sight. You swore you'd protect them till the day you died.

From that day forth, you ate together, slept together, took no breaks, and trained harder than ever. You brought your squad up from the ground, raising them high until you had everyone's attention during training. No one's eyes left you as you took them through thick forests and city streets.

A quick signal for a sharp turn, or a circle to spread out let them know exactly what was on your mind. Erwin was always behind you, ready to help with strategy when anything preplanned didn't work, Mike on the other side, finally able to stand on his own and insisting he could catch you if you ever fell. Your eye caught Hange as you veered left, her eyes sparkling. In the reflection of your goggles, you saw Levi's stern expression, keeping his focus on the obstacles rather than the people below him.

A smile grew across your lips as you landed down in the Scout barrack's courtyard. Dusting yourself off, you pulled your goggles up so they pinned back your hair.

"Good job everyone, you're getting better each time," you beamed, settling your hands on your hips as you surveyed your squad.

"Only because we have the best captain in the world!" Hange cheered, flinging her arms around your neck.

"Oh come on now, I'm only this good because I have all of you backing me up," you chuckle, rubbing the back of your neck with a bright smile as the others walk over to you.

"We're only as good as you train us to be, Captains. We always have," Erwin states, pulling Levi into the group huddle. He didn't protest as he used to, just allowing himself to be dragged along.

"Besides, we can't take all the credit. What would that leave you?" Mike points out, ruffling your hair that isn't tucked under your goggles.

You open your mouth to respond when there's a call of your title and name behind you. Turning around you see a cadet standing there.

"Captain (Y/N), the Commander requests your presence," the cadet says, saluting you.

"Thank you, Cadet, I'll be right there," you acknowledge, giving him a bright smile.

The Cadet nods, turning on their heel and walking off.

"Boss calls, sorry guys. I'll meet you in the mess-hall, okay?" you ensure them.

"We'll save you a cup of tea," Levi says, his usual grumpy expression returning.

"See you in a moment!" you call as you head off to the Commander's office.

"Bye Cap!" they shout after you.

"W-what do you mean?" you stutter, standing up from the chair you'd previously been sitting in across from the Commander, "You can't retire! There's barely any of us left!"

The Commander sighs, looking at the desk rather than meeting your gaze.
"If this mission doesn't go as planned, I have no reason to stay as the Scout Commander. I've failed them too many times, there is too much blood on my hands."

"Who cares?! So what if there's blood on your hands! There's blood on everyone's hands!!" you shout at him, leaning over the desk. This pitiful sight of a man, with his head held low as he cowered in your presence. This was no Commander of the Scouts. This was a Commander of cowards.

"Who would you appoint, (Y/N)," he repeats, the same question that greeted you when you stepped into his office.

"No one," you say stubbornly.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now