Beyond the Sea

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You could always remember your first time outside the wall, the wind in your hair as you felt freedom shine down across your body.

Yet it paled in comparison to how you felt as your horse raced outside the wall. No longer looking over your shoulder out of fear you'd be eaten, you lean back on your horse, letting the sun bathe your face. Behind you, your hair fanned out as wind rushed past you.

It started as a few small giggles before a roar of triumphant laughter peeled from your lips as you raised your fist to the sky.

"We're free! We're finally FREE!!" you cheered, a grin breaking out across your face.

Your cheers were met by countless others as the Scouts let out a collective exclamation of joy. Even the kids chimed in, and a few flares were shot off, green smoke spiralling up in the air.

As the journey continued on, you felt the air become warmer, the sun beating down against your skin as you road through the desert. The massive stone wall coming into view drove a sick taste into your mouth as you shook your head, pushing the memories away. Titans were a thing of the past, and you'd work your whole life to keep it that way.

A dark green flare told you to slow your horse down as the front of the Scouts had spotted your destination - the sea. Rounding the small hill, a gasp left your lips as you gazed out across the massive body of water. You'd only seen pictures in the past of it, heard stories from the kids, yet the size was lost on you until it was right there.

Glancing over towards Mike, you saw the way his mouth hung open slightly, his horse on the other side of the wagon. Quickly you dismounted your horse, leading it over to the others that were left by the Scouts. You assisted the driver of the wagon into parking the cart before rounding it to Mike's side as he dismounted.

"I told you we'd see it," you whisper quietly as he stares out at the endless abyss of water.

"It's... wonderful," he murmurs, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you close to his side.

You slump your head against his chest, wrapping your arm around him as well as you gazed out at the sea.
"Makes it feel like this was all worth it. In some convoluted way."

"Anytime I'm with you is worth it," he whispers, bending down so that he could kiss the top of your head.

"I -" you start to say before Hange's calls out to you.

"COME LOOK AT THIS!!" they call, holding up something in their hands.

"After you?" you offer, nodding your head towards the shore.

"Race you!" he declares, bolting off before you can register his words.

You chase after him, a smile beaming across your face as you catch up to him, wrapping your arms around him and knocking him down to the ground. He roars with laughter as Eren declares a doggy-pile, the two of you being crushed underneath a dozen or so kids as you join in Mike's laughter.

Hange helps the two of you up, telling the kids to go play. As they run off, you dust off your pants and stare down at the starfish Hange had found. Around you, Erwin's standing in the sea, his boots tossed over a nearby tree as Levi watches from the shore, eyeing the sea warily. His squad runs up behind him, shoving him forwards and earning a loud screech from him as he's doused in seawater.

Erwin throws his head back in laughter as he helps Levi up, the smaller man grumbling as he wrings out his cape. Much to his dismay Jean, Sasha, Connie, and Marco decide to copy him, launching themselves into the water around him and splashing both men - as well as a few members of his squad.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now