I Found Peace With You (Anniversary Special)

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"You ready, Captain?" Nile asks, leaning in the entryway to your bedroom. Dressed in a smartly tailored black suit with a dark green tie. His usual wild hair slicked back on his head for the first time since his own wedding.

"One more moment," you mumble, unsure if he heard you from where you stood, gazing out the window across the streets of Shinishaga.

You'd waited a year for this. Yet as you stood here, with Nile waiting in the door, your heart hammered in your chest. Your father wasn't here to see you, neither was your mother, yet, when you'd mentioned that your parents were Military Police, Nile volunteered to walk in your father's honour. Ou accepted, he was a close family friend and you couldn't imagine someone more suited for the role.

You wished they were here to see you, still. The image of your smiling mother as she straightened out your hair, and your father as he waits in the door. They'd have both approved of Erwin and Mike, maybe less so of Hange and Levi. Not that they wouldn't have warmed up to them as well.

What would they think of the kids? Would they be proud of your kind heart, or would they take their time to come around to the idea? You couldn't picture them being disappointed, no matter how hard you tried.

Your mom would have approved of the venue. Due to Erwin's station, you were legally required for a public display, so it took quite a few long nights to find the perfect one. Your father would've approved of your own achievements and station.

Carefully, you walked over and picked up the medal that you'd received for your service to humanity. You bent your head, adjusting it around your neck and pulling it closed. It rested against your chest as you looked in the mirror in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you turned to Nile.

"I told you, call me (Y/N)," you chuckle, continuing the conversation as you walk up to him.

"Alright, Captain (Y/N), are you ready?" he asks, a smirk forming on his lips as he holds out his arm for you.

"Yes," you whisper softly, taking his arm and letting him guide you out of the room.

As you walk down the stairs, your heart pounds in your chest. You catch a glimpse of the carriage waiting for you outside. The last one to leave. When your foot touches the bottom of the stairs, stepping out into the front hall of the base, you let out a small sigh before starting to walk again.

Nile's patient, walking at your pace as he guides you to the carriage. The cadet taking you to the church opens the door with a smile, closing it after you as you settle down across from Nile inside.

"Hey -" he says, resting a hand on your knee - "It's okay to be nervous. I can't tell you how nervous I was, and I had Erwin at my side the entire time."

Slowly you nod your head, taking a deep breath to calm your emotions.
"Thank you, Nile. For both being here, and your words."

"Anything for my best-friends soon-to-be spouse," he dismisses, leaning back as the carriage rolls through the city.

It's a short trip, the Scout Barracks were close to the center of the city, near the church that you'd chosen. Yet, you couldn't stop your mind from wandering as you went. You knew that it was a relatively untraditional wedding, where each of you was walking down the aisle one after the other, but you couldn't help and stress over the fine details. Was your outfit too tight? Did you wear the right socks? Was your hair a mess?

As the carriage stopped, Nile opened the door, offering you a hand to get out. The touch grounded you as you stepped out, staring up at the massive church in front of you. It really was much more intimidating without ODM gear on.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now