World's Apart

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Since the night in the office, life had been a hectic blur of planning and training. Erwin had decided to lead a mission outside the walls to scout out the state Wall Maria was in. Hange, Mike, and Levi were going with him - you'd all drawn straws, yours being the shortest - leaving you behind to watch the kids with Nile.

So there you stood, in your bedroom, fussing over Erwin's shirt as you reminded them of instructions for Mike's leg, and acting as a squad. You hadn't done a mission apart before, yet all of you knew it was necessary. Someone had to watch the kids, and fewer of you on the field meant fewer casualties. Of course, they were taking your squad, Erwin was leading them, meaning he'd been training with you for the past few days.

"Now remember to watch your horses carefully if you encounter titans, and don't enter wall Maria without me," you remind them for the third time, fussing over Erwin's pendant.

"We know, (Y/N). Relax, we won't lose our horses," Erwin chuckles, bending down to kiss the top of your head as you finish tidying his outfit.

"Now, everyone ready?" he asks, surveying the room where the others were buttoning up their capes.

They give him collective nods, all passing by you to say 'goodbye' in their various ways. A kiss on the head, a squeeze of your shoulder, a simple 'see you soon', as they headed towards the doors.

You stood there, watching your squad, your friends, your partners, walk out the door, unsure if they would be walking back through it again. Just as they're about to leave, you reach out and catch Levi's arm.

"Wait - !" your breath catches in your throat as they turn back to you - "please come back home. The kids - I can't lose any of you."

"We'll all make it back, or I'll personally show you to the titan responsible," Levi promises, lifting your knuckles to his lips to press a gentle kiss to them.

"Thank you," you whisper quietly as he nods his head, turning back around.

"I'll keep them safe, don't worry (Y/N). We'll return in one piece," Erwin promises, kissing your forehead again.

"Most of us will return in one piece. I'll return in the same piece," Mike jokes, motioning to his leg.

"Don't worry about us, just keep the kids safe. We'll be back before you know it," Hange states, smiling at you brightly.

"Thank you, guys. May the Gods be in your favours," you manage to say, watching as they turn around and walk off down the hall.

They're gone before you can muster the courage to call them back. Leaving you standing in the doorway of your room, dressed in Mike's shirt and Erwin's sweater, with Hange's spare hair-tie around your wrist. Levi's promise ringing in your ears.

"Captain (Y/N)?" a familiar voice asks, dragging you out from the space you'd been staring at for Gods know how long. Turning your head, you see a familiar scruffy face with messy black hair, a man around Erwin's age, you know as Nile.

Gingerly, you offer him a smile. It's weak but noticeable.

"Nile, I wasn't expecting you so early."

"Sorry, Marie mentioned thought you might appreciate some early morning help," he explains, rubbing the back of his neck with a chuckle. "Hope I'm not intruding on any sleep you were going to get."

"No, no... it's fine. I was just going to wake the kids - how's your wife doing?" you fumble, attempting to make polite conversation as you start to walk towards Reiner's room. The kids had a habit of sleeping together due to nightmares they frequently had.

"Actually, she's doing well. Really well. We're um- we're expecting our first kid," he sheepishly admits as your hand wraps around the doorknob.

"Really?! Congratulations! How long have you known?" you question, pausing from opening the door.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now