World's Together

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You swallowed the lump in your throat as you reached for the bandages in your bag. Your hands were covered in blood, but you thankfully managed to sew Erwin's arm closed. He'd calmed down, staring up at the ceiling as tears grew in the corners of his eyes. Mike sat across his chest, squeezing his hand to keep him grounded.

"You're doing so well, just hang in there, Erwin," you whisper quietly, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose as you show him the roll of gauze.

He acknowledges you with a tiny nod, barely able to stay conscious. You couldn't blame him, it was still early in the morning and you were trying to be quiet.

As you attempt to gather yourself to bandage his arm, the door adjoining the office to the bedroom slides open and Nile slinks in.

"Oh thank the gods -" he breathes in relief at the sight of his friend still alive - "I moved the kids to Reiner's room in case you wanted to use your bed."

"Thank you, Nile," Mike says, offering him a sombre smile.

Nile nods his head, crossing the room to sit on one of the couches. He leans forwards, patting Erwin's shoulder gently.
"Hang in there. You're out of the woods - literally."

Erwin's head turns from the ceiling to stare at him.
"Was that... your attempt... at a joke... at my expense?" he slurs, staring at his friend.

"Perhaps. Don't go dying on me now, you still have to be a godfather," Nile states proudly, puffing out his chest with a broad smile. "Can't be one when you're dead."

Silently, you mouth a 'thank you' to Nile for distracting him. Erwin pays no attention to you as you carefully hold the gauze around his stitches. Mike assists you, holding it steady as you wrap the bandages around it carefully.

"A godfather... Nile... congratulations," Erwin chuckles, cracking a small smile out of your view.

Your head slumps forwards, resting against Mike's bicep as you steady your hands, taking your time to bandage up Erwin. The world fades away, Nile and Erwin's conversation purely background noise until a hand on your back brings you up to the surface once more.

"How were the kids?" Hange whispers quietly, sitting down next to you and tying off the bandage for you.

Out of sight, Levi taps Nile on the shoulder, signalling for him to take his leave.

"They were good for the most part. Except for last night, Reiner had a nightmare and... we need to talk. They said some things that should be taken seriously," you inform them, staring down at your bloody hands.
"In a moment. First, we need to get the blood off you and the rest of us. You can tell us everything in bed," Hange promises, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

For the first time, you notice how beaten up the other three are. Mike looks like he's been through hell and back, covered in cuts and bruises and scrapes, holding his weight awkwardly. Levi's no better, his arm is tucked close to his body in a makeshift sling, with cuts down his face. Hange's covered in blood, you're unsure who's it is, but you hope it's not theirs.

Slowly, you nod your head in agreement.
"You look awful," you murmur before realizing you said it out loud.

"It was hell out there. I'm just glad you were safe," they state, standing up and offering you a hand.

You take it, standing up as well as Mike carefully gets off of Erwin, scooping him back up in his arms. Levi signals from the door that no one was in the hallway, so the five of you sneak into the captain's showers to wash off the blood.

Mike sets Erwin down on one of the benches so that he was partially in the water. You help, stripping off the button-up shirt and leather belts until Erwin was sitting naked on the bench.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now