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Arriving back to the city - after finding clothes for those who were still soaked from the sea - you set up with a few of the Scouts who'd volunteered to learn how to cook as well, in an abandoned kitchen. You were pretty sure it was an old cafe, as the primary object here was tea. As you waited for the food to cook, you decided to make some, selecting a type of tea you'd often see Levi drinking. You made enough for any Scout who'd wanted some, making sure to have a glass for Levi.

Pieck and Porco had decided to help you, which both hindered and helped the tea process. They were incredibly helpful, with Porco climbing up the counters to pass down spices to Pieck, who helped add them to the pot.

"Thank you, Pieck," you hum as she adds more salt to the pot.

She beams at you, setting the salt down next to herself. As you put the lid on the pot, taking a seat in a nearby chair, she climbs onto your lap. The Scout volunteers had been instructed to set the tables, enlisting the help of Mike and Erwin to carry them over while Hange directed them and Levi organized the cleaning.

"Your hair's getting longer," you point out, reaching for the hair tie around your wrist to pull it back from her face.

"Can you braid it like you do for Annie?" she asks quietly, her back facing you. You only braided Annies hair back for training so it didn't get in her face, she didn't let you do it any other time. So the request took you a moment to register.

"Sure," you say, combing your hands through her hair so that it fanned out into three roughly equal strands.

You start with the very front, slowly gathering more and more hair as you braid it back for her. She sits patiently, letting you work slowly so you didn't mess up the job. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Porco watching you intently. When you finish, tying it so it didn't come undone, you smile.

"There, how does that feel?" you ask, watching as she reaches back and feels the braid.

She turns to you, a bright smile on her lips as she throws her arms around your torso.
"Thank you, baba!"

You blink for a moment, startled at the name. Sure you had the kids call you that from time to time again, yet you hadn't heard the three new Marleyan kids call you anything other than your name. With a smile, you return her hug, letting her hold you for as long as she wanted.

When she finally lets you go, hopping down from your lap to peer at the stew cooking on the stove. You move to stand up until you notice Porco looking up at you from in front of your feet.

"Me too?" he asks quietly.

It takes a moment for you to realize what he's asking for, and you press for further clarification:
"You want a braid too?"

He nods his head, turning so his back faced you. He didn't have a lot of hair, but you could give him a tiny braid. Luckily you had a small elastic to spare, you took it from one of the tiny braids in your hair you did when you were bored. It helped retain the motor function in your remaining hand, albeit more than a little difficult.

Slowly, you make a tiny braid in his hair. It's not as good as Piecks, and it takes you much longer, but you manage to make it look like an actual braid.

"There, how about that?" you whisper, tying it off carefully.

His hand reaches back, feeling the tiny braid before turning to you with a confident smile you were starting to see more and more on his face.
"Awesome!" he declares triumphantly, running off to go find Zeke and Reiner and show off.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now