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"Hold my hand. You're going to be fine."

The words rang through your ears like the roar of a titan. You said them to force both yourself and him to believe you. It wasn't working.

"Listen up recruits! It's your first day out in the field! We're glad to see you in our ranks, but do remember that titans are dangerous and protecting yourself is of the utmost importance..." the Commander started to drone on as you zoned out. You were well aware of the importance of keeping safe, so instead your sight drifted to your squad.

Next to you was Hange, Erwin, Mike, and Levi, in front of you was your Captain. Your captain hadn't said much to any of you apart from drills, they always stared a few meters ahead while giving orders, keeping their distance as if they'd see a ghost. Each time you saw them, you made a silent vow to never turn out like them.

Mike walked next to you as you went out to the horses, giving you a playful shove so you'd stumble just a bit. Your entire shoulder lights up in sparks as you smile from the simple contact.

"Don't go dyin' on us out there, Cap-Lance," he chuckles, beaming down at you. They'd started calling you Cap-Lance. Not that you'd earned the title, you'd yet to be on an actual mission.

"Same to you, I'm not sure Levi could take it," you return, sending a teasing look back at Levi who simply grumbled something about being quiet and looked away.

Mounting your horse, you carefully trotted out of the city towards the gates. People gathered in the streets around you, gazing up in awe as you followed after your Captian out into the field. You silently signed a "stay safe" to your squad as you left the gates.

Your breath was immediately swept away when you were hit by the rush of clean air. The outside world, even a few feet from the wall, sounded of chirping birds and smelt of morning dew. Even over top of the horses.

With wide eyes, you looked around while your horse raced off after your Captain. Careful to not break formation, you looked over at Erwin next to you. You hadn't really spoken to him since that night, yet he always regarded you with a 'good morning' or a nod whenever you two were nearby.

"Erwin, we're really out here," you call over to him, as quietly as you can.

"Where's your 'talking will get us killed' attitude now?" he chuckles, smiling over at you. You feel your heart flutter in your chest from the smile.

"Can't we just enjoy our first moments?" you ask, leaning back a little on your horse and staring up at the sky.
You're granted three hours of peace and quiet before your eyes go wide at the red flare in the sky.

"CAPTAIN! TITAN SPOTTED TO THE NORTHWEST!!!" you call frantically to your captain a few feet ahead.

"SIGNAL IT!" they shout back to you, their words snapping at the edges.

Frantically you dig through your bag and fire off a red flare to alert the other squads. Only to notice another flare to the northeast.


"PREPARE FOR THE WORST!" is all they offer back to you as you groan.

Seeing the hopelessness of your Captain, you signal to your squad, a few directions in preparation for a fight. Levi shifted to be in the middle, Hange flanking his side with Erwin, as you loaded your ODM gear.

The Titans first appeared out of the north-west. Their massive lumbering frames were nothing compared to the training courses. Yet, you had no choice but to fight them. In fact, their distorted and mutated faces only made you want to fight them more.

It Started With Cadet Training (Reader/Levi/Erwin/Hange/Mike)Where stories live. Discover now