Chapter 4: The First Time I Saw Her

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Lucas and I were frightened by the loud thud. We ran downstairs to see what happened. Lucas and I walked downstairs to see two boxes of pizza. 

"What was that loud thud?" I asked. 

Ma and Dad were dressed up really fancily and were way happier than usual. Ma had a sparkly silver dress while Dad had his best suit on. I was confused about why they were dressed that way.  

"And what's going on?" I questioned.

"Oh, that loud thud was just my phone. It fell out of my bag," Ma laughed.

 I looked at Lucas and he also looked confused. 

"The neighbors invited us to a welcome party," Ma answered. "Isn't that so nice of them?" 

"Yes, very nice. You guys put your best outfits on, were going soon," Dad demanded.

 I had no idea what "neighbors" they were talking about. We lived near no one. The closest home we have next to us is two miles away. I wasn't really excited about the idea of going to a party. I mean, we just moved in and didn't even have time to really get used to our surroundings. Lucas and I didn't really have a choice. Ma and Dad don't let us make up our own minds, we can't say no to them. We know the consequences if we do. 

"What are you guys waiting for?" Dad said, excited. "Go get changed and let's get moving!"

I looked in my closet and looked for something to wear. I made my mind to choose a pink dress, with a pink purse and pink heels. It was not the perfect choice for me, but I didn't want my Ma sending me back and forth to change. I put my tablet and some lip gloss in my purse and headed downstairs. 

When I got downstairs, everyone was waiting for me. They all were kind-of-mad. They shouldn't have been angry. After all, they were the ones who wanted me to go and they were the ones who wanted me to dress fancily.  

After around 15 minutes of driving, we got to our neighbors home. Not gonna lie, their house looked worse than ours. We entered the neighbors home. After a second of looking inside, my heart dropped. No, I wasn't scared, but no one was near as dressed up like us. That made me a little embarrassed, considering that I wore one of my best dresses. There were kids running around the home and parents yelling at their kids. I giggled at the sight of it. A wife and a husband came up to us. 

"Welcome, Linda and Frank! I'm so glad you came to the party," they said. 

They shook our hands. They directed us to a couch and told us to get comfortable. I took out my tablet and started watching videos on it. 

"Scarlet!" Ma said in a kind-of-high voice. Confused why she was yelling I answered, 

"Yea?" "

What are you doing on the tablet," she said, "We're at a party, it's time to meet people your age and socialize, especially when you're somewhere new."

 I sighed and got up from the couch, annoyed. 

"You too, Lucas!" Ma said. 

I looked around. The party looked like no fun. I did not see any people my age. The only kids around are running-four-year-olds. How am I supposed to play with them? I went up to one of the people at the party and asked them, 

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" 

"Of course, honey," they answered, "walk a little forward near the food area and to your left there will be a bathroom in the corner." 

"Thank you," I answered and walked toward the bathroom. 

When I got there, I fixed myself up a little and then went to the food area. The food selection at the party was pretty good. They had some of my favorite foods like sushi, pizza, fried rice, and fried chicken wings. My mouth watered at the sight of it. I started picking out my food until a little kid ran towards me. She knocked down all my food and my drink. It spilled all over my clothing and inside my purse. The little kid started bawling in tears. I hit and hurt my head on the floor and could not get up. My Mom ran towards me and helped the little kid and brought them back to their parents. She also ran towards me, and helped me up. She went back to the couch and started getting ready to leave. My Dad looked concerned. I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and started getting ready to leave. When I got out, my Ma had the biggest angry look on her face, and was super upset at me. 

The car back ride home was silent. No one dared to say a word, and we all knew if we said something it would spark Ma's anger even more. Lucas looked at me with compassion. 

When we got home, Ma scolded me. She told me how it was our first day here and she was already upset. She told me how the neighbors probably hated her. She told me how she was filled with embarrassment because of me. She told me how she was disappointed in me and how I was so ruthless for "pushing" the little kid. 

"But Ma," I replied, "I didn't hurt the little kid, she crashed towards me and fell. It's not my fault there were kids running everywhere."

She did not believe anything I said. While she accused me of doing something that I didn't do, I didn't care one bit.

"It's your responsibility to watch over the kids at the party, you were the only older girl around there," she stated.

"Actually, it's the parent's responsibility to watch over and take care of their children," I whispered to myself.

She shot a look at me. I hope she didn't hear what I said.  I knew it wasn't my fault that they came crashing towards me. I went up the staircase, and Lucas followed me. He comforted me and told me how he knew it wasn't my fault. He wasn't there to help me because he was playing video games with the older boys at the time. Despite that, I appreciate his concern for me.

I took a shower and cleaned myself up. I changed into my PJ's and got into the covers. I felt kind of uneasy because it was my first night sleeping here, and it was right near the woods. Despite that, I assured myself that everything would be fine, said my prayers, and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt scared and a light shone outside my door. I heard someone breathing near me. I took a glance at the other side of my bed and saw her.

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