Chapter 12: Saved

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I felt the man rush on top of me. He scratched me.

I opened my eyes and took a peek at the man. It wasn't actually a man. Instead, it was a huge brown bear.

I tried to go back to escape. But whenever I did, it would always creep closer. 

I finally was able to get up and run away from it. That is until I fell again. It came closer and hit me.

I continued to scream in hopes that someone would hear me. No one did.

I gave up. I was too weak to be fighting with a bear.

I shut my eyes and hoped it wouldn't do something too bad.

I heard footsteps running toward me. 

The person grabbed my hand quickly.

"Scarlet!" Noah yelled. "Are you okay?"

"Yea," I responded to him, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" He continued. "There are scratches all over your face, and they're bleeding."

I stood there, confused.

I touched my face and looked at my finger to see if it was true. There was blood.

Noah looked towards the bear. 

It was growling. If we made just one move, I'm sure it would hunt us down.

"Stay here," Noah told me and walked towards the bear.

Why would he do that? I stood there and rolled my eyes.

He probably wanted to get scratched, just like me.

I watched him pet the bear slowly. After a while, the bear ran away into the deeper areas of the woods.

Noah walked back towards me. 

"Come, let's get you cleaned up," he said.

I followed him into the home.

He grabbed a paper towel and cleaned the blood off my face.

"Thanks," I told him.

"No problem," he responded.

We went into my room to talk.

"I'm really sorry, Scarlet," he apologized. "I know it hasn't been easy for you lately.

"It's okay," I answered. "It would be hard for me to believe too. After all, telling someone that you've seen a ghost is pretty strange."

"Yea, I know," he continued, "But I've seen her for myself. That's no excuse for me to not believe you."

"Yea, that's true."

I had a thought to tell Noah about what happened.

"So, before all that happened, I saw her again," I began.

He looked at me with a curious and worried expression on his face.

"She told me her name was Rosenna. She said that she is doing all of this to get revenge on her sister. My Ma apparently teased her for her whole life. When she died, my Ma was heartbroken. Rosenna said that because she died, she didn't fully get the revenge that she wanted. So now she's using me, a "vulnerable" girl to finally get her revenge on my Ma."

Noah stared at me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I'm so sorry," he said. "I have no idea what to do to help."

"Me neither," I told him. "Ms. Garcia told me to talk to her in the morning before school starts. I'm hoping she has some experience with ghosts."

"I hope so too," he responded.

He began to stare at my sewing kit.

"Do you wanna try it?" I asked him.

"Sure," he grinned.

I got off of my bed and sat on the floor, where the kit was.

"Who is that for?" Noah looked at the hat I was sewing earlier.

"Oh, just someone," I smiled and put it to the side.

"So," I began, "You hold this and put the needle through there."

I moved his hand to where he was to put the needle through.

He looked at me, and then laughed.

I showed him how to sew for a few hours. By the end, he made a sweater for his brother.

"That looks great!" I told him.

"Thanks," he responded. 

He looked at the time.

"I think I'll have to be heading out now," he said.

"Oh, that's fine," I answered.

"I had a great time today," he stated before heading out the door. "Bye!"

"Bye," I replied.

I continued sewing the hat I was working on earlier.

I heard a knock at the window.

I turned around.

Here comes Rosenna, again.

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