Chapter 8: Drowned

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I became filled with anger and sadness. How could he say such a thing?

I slowly walked into my room, not knowing what to do. 

Lucas never acts like this. He is one of the kindest people I know. It seems strange for him to switch up all of a sudden.

I wondered if this was the ghosts' way of getting revenge on me. After all, I told her that I didn't want to be with her. I also did not listen to her when she told me to get Noah away.

I did not know what to do other than to calm myself down. I put on my shoes and my jacket and grabbed my bag. 

Without telling anyone, I walked out of the house. I walked for miles and miles. 

Until I got where I wanted to go. The lake.

I took off my shoes and put my feet into the lake. I have been doing this since I was young. It calms me down and brings peace to my heart.

I began to think about my life at that moment. Ever since we moved, things are not going as well as they used to. I didn't have to worry about some stupid ghost haunting me.

I thought about how Lucas changed, how Ma has been getting bitter towards us, how my father has no care.

I felt a tear move down my cheek.

I would be lying if I said there was only one tear, more like 5.

The next thing I knew, I had a puddle of tears around me.

I had no one to help me. No one to support me.

I felt someone sit next to me. I looked where I felt them.

It was her, again.

"How does it feel, Scarlet," she whispered.

She sat even closer to me, so close that I could smell her breath. It smelt like rotten fish, cigars, and eggs. I gagged.

"You should have listened to me when I told you to. This would not be happening to you if you did," she continued.

She grabbed my hair and gently stroked it. I moved farther from her.

"So, Scarlet, I'm going to call you Scar," she told me.

"Why?" I asked her, "You've already disturbed me enough. I don't want the whole school making fun of my name on the first day."

"If you don't let me call you that, I might as well make it come true," she stated. "Or, I could make you seem like a crazy person. Surely no one would want to be your friend after that."

She continued to stroke my hair. I felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, please," I replied. "Like you could do that."

I got up from the lake and slid on my shoes.

"You should really find something else to do with yourself other than this!" I yelled. "Boo-hoo, things are not going the way you planned. Look, now you're trying to get your revenge on some 13-year-old girl."

I was filled with anger. When I tried to grab my bag, she threw it in the water. 

I looked at her with the angriest look I could give her. 

I had no other choice than to go to the lake and grab it. It had some money contained in it.

I took a deep breath and jumped into the water. I looked in search of the bag. I couldn't find it. I was filled with fear and didn't know what to do. 

I tried to get back up from the water to get a deep breath before going in again.

But I couldn't.

I felt something push me down when I was trying to get up.

I tried to scream, but I couldn't. Whenever I tried, the water would fill up into my mouth and suffocate me even more.

The hand continued to push me deeper into the water. I fought to get back up. It came to a point where I could no more.

The hand overcame me.

I lost all my strength and gave up.

I felt myself sink deeper and deeper into the water. 

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