Chapter 9: First Day

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I opened my eyes. I laid by the lake, on the grass. The girl was gone. 

It was a scary but strange experience. I did not expect to survive. Instead, I somehow was not in the lake anymore.

I took a look around. There was no one in sight. Maybe the ghost girl felt bad about drowning me. I was filled with so many questions.

I stood up. Tons of water dripped from my whole body. I saw my purse next to me. I grabbed it and made my way back home.

I was filled with embarrassment. If someone saw me, they probably thought I was crazy. 

When I got home, I quickly changed. I was careful not to put water everywhere.

This day has been one of the strangest days of my life. 

When I checked the clock, it was already dinner. I had lost my appetite after all that has happened. 

I didn't know what else to do, so I laid my head on my pillow and went to sleep.

___________A Week Later___________

It has been a week since that day happened. Ever since then, I haven't encountered her. I am glad about that. 

I slid on my new clothing and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

Today was one of the quieter days, even though it was our first day of school. 

After breakfast, I went into the car. Lucas hasn't been talking to me, and it's been a week. I have no idea what he is mad about.

They dropped me off at the front of the school. I took a deep breath before heading in.

Although it was my first day of school, I wasn't too scared. At least I had Noah to be friends with. 

I grabbed my schedule and went to my first class, Math.

I hated having Math first period. 

I slowly went inside the room. All heads turned and looked at me.

What, you've guys never seen a girl walking into a room before?

I could never have the bravery to say that out loud. 

I took a seat next to a blonde-haired girl.

Noah was not in this class.

"Can you sit somewhere else?" The girl asked. "That seat was supposed to be for my friend, Emily."

"Oh, sorry," I responded, already feeling embarrassed. I looked at the two seats next to her. "Is that one taken too?"

"Yup, why don't you sit next to," she began and looked across the room, "Her."

"Um, okay," I said and sat in the seat next to a very short girl.

"Hello," I awkwardly uttered to the girl I sat next to.

She didn't respond.

Rude, much.

I got my Math book ready. A teacher walked into the room.

"Hello everybody," she exclaimed. "I am your Math teacher, Ms. Garcia. Since it's our first day back and we have some new people in this class, I've decided that today will be a fun class. We will spend the class finding out who our classmates are."

"Let's first start with. You," she pointed at me. "Tell me about yourself. Your name, age, hobbies, and anything you want to say."

My heart began to beat quicker.

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