You're Merely A Puppet

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Upon hearing the question, Jack did nothing. He just sat there without a single movement or word coming from his body. After a long pause, he finally gave his response.

Jack: Every single day... there isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss them... Both Neos and Molly lost their lives way too early.. and I wasn't able to do anything to stop it... I miss them more than I could probably miss anything...

Steve: I... I'm sorry Dad.. that I'm the reason all of it happened...

Jack: Son, for the last time.. you're not the one responsible... you should never tell yourself that you're who's responsible for what happened because you're not... he did it to us.. not you... I promise you that you are not in the slightest bit responsible for their deaths...

Steve: But.. fine... I'll stop thinking that... I'm sorry for bringing it up...

Jack: Don't apologize Steve.. you can talk about it with me whenever you wish... I'll always be right here by your side... you have my word..

Steve: Thanks Dad... I appreciate it...

Jack: Ya know something I've always been kinda jealous of?

Steve: What's that?

Jack: How you've always seemed to be one with the world...

Steve: Wh-what do you mean by that?

Jack: Oh, I just mean you're constantly at peace with the world around you.. it's like you and the world as a whole just somehow manage to blend extremely well... it's like you're one with it almost.. I personally have always had a tough time finding my place in the world, but it always seems like you know where you need to be...

Steve: I mean.. I guess that's one way to look at it.. it just feels like certain things call to me... I never really thought there was anything else to it..

Jack: There's always something more to it Steve.. Most people don't realize it, but knowing your place in the world is a gift if nothing else... No matter what... never let that gift go to waste.. promise me that...

Steve: I.. I promise...

Jack: Thank you.. now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dry my sweaty ass off. It really takes some attempt to beat you in a race as bad as I did!

Steve: Oh, shut up! I'll get you next time, don't worry!

Jack: Keep telling yourself that!

Jack and Steve both walked back to the castle and to their separate rooms which were on near completely opposite sides of the castle from each other. Jack walked into his room and changed back into his normal clothing being a red cloak seeming top and jet black pants. Afterwards, he walked over to the window and began staring out it with his eyes clearly having no particular target as usual.

Jack: You can show yourself now...

After Jack saying this, the black mist emerged from his body forming itself into a body type figure and growing the bright, pale white eyes that came from the alter all those months ago.

Herobrine: Man, beating your son at a race like that? I mean, I knew you could, but the fact that you did like that was something I wasn't expecting in the slightest bit, I'm not gonna lie.

Jack: Look, Herobrine.. it's been five months since this charade started.. so what's your plan exactly?

Herobrine: Oh yeah! My plan! See, this is why I chose you to be my new partner in crime! You're always reminding me whenever I forget something!

Jack: Enough games, alright?! What do you want?!

Herobrine: Hey now, I'd watch the attitude if I were you. You wouldn't want to have what happened to your wife and son happen to Steve as well, would you?

Jack: I.. no... I'd do anything to protect him...

Herobrine: Good... I'm glad to see we're on the same side here. Anyways, my plan is to eventually grow enough power to be able to reforge my own body. In order to do that, I need a lot of power absorbed which I think we both know you're more than capable of helping with if ya get my drift. Wink wink!

Jack: If I was going to have to practically share a body with some evil spirit, I wish they at least had a halfway decent sense of humor.

Herobrine: Hey! Getting an attitude is threat worthy, but making fun of my sense of humor is just a low blow in all kinds of ways! Are my jokes that bad?

Jack: You have no idea...

Herobrine: Well, damn. Someone's not very nice today. All the same, I need to know if you're willing to work with me on this or not.

Jack: If it means that you won't hurt Steve.. then yes.. I'll do it...

Herobrine: Spectacular! See, I told you working together wasn't hard! That is.. as long as you remember one key detail..

Jack: Really? What's that?

Herobrine: Just keep in mind that no matter how in control you may think yourself to be at times, you will always be nothing more than a puppet to my puppeteer... and like any good puppet.. you will dance at my will... understand?

Jack: You don't scare me "Hero."

Herobrine: Maybe not... but you should probably consider the idea of being scared.. there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity... I'd hate to see you of all people cross that line and then have to punish you for it.. You wouldn't let that happen though because you know just as well as I do that I wouldn't dare lay a finger on you... but your son on the other hand.. that's a different story... so it's like I said.. keep that in mind as well as keep that little piece of information in that special book of yours to yourself, and we'll be perfectly tame towards each other this whole time.. Deal?

Jack: Deal...

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