Was That Really Me

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As Jack begins to look around, he notices that the faces of every single citizen around him is covered in fear including Steve's.

Jack: What have I done... what have I.. no... no no no...

Jack then pushes off everyone around him and storms off leaving the pit as well as leaving confusion and fear in the hearts of everyone who witnessed what he had done.

Ava: What was that..

Steve: I.. Dad... why... why would you do that... no no.. there has to be something else to that. There's no way my dad just did that for no reason.. at least.. I hope not...

Ava: Steve, I'm so sorry you had to see that... I wish.. I wish there was something I could do to help...

Steve: It.. it's fine.. I just need to find what the hell's going on...

Steve then runs off the second he can get the last word in going to question his father. Meanwhile, Jack has run off to a place nearby continuing to ask himself why he did what he did.

Jack: What did I just do... Why did I just do it... What's wrong with me... Was that even really me...

After sitting alone for a bit, Jack is met by an upset and confused Steve.

Steve: What was that?!

Jack: Steve, I-

Steve: No, really, what the hell was that?!

Jack: I don't know.. something got into me there, and I just didn't know how to stop... it was like I couldn't control myself...

Steve: Look, I'm sorry, ok? I am sorry that we're both having to go through this whole "losing family" crap, but you don't see me beating the life out of random people for fun, do you?

Jack: Steve, I'm sorry. I-

Steve: Are you really though? Ya know, I thought that while Neos and Mom dying would hurt really badly, it would also make our bond stronger... but I guess there's still things you're not willing to tell me...

Jack: Steve, please. I-

Steve: Save it... there's nothing left to discuss.. I'm going home... see ya...

Jack would then watch as Steve ran off towards the castle leaving him behind as well as leaving him heartbroken. Jack would then sit down motionless as if he wasn't sure what to even do with himself. As Steve's making his way to the castle, Ava grabs a hold of his arm startling Steve at first but eventually calms him down after realizing who it was.

Steve: Oh.. hey Ava...

Ava: Steve, is everything ok? I know that what just happened was hard to see, but I don't want you to be alone if you're not thinking straight..

Steve: Ava, really I appreciate it, but I just don't want you to have to worry about me... you just met me, that shouldn't be something you should have to do..

The second he released the final word from the chamber of his thoughts, Steve was met with a kiss on the cheek by Ava leaving Steve motionless.

Ava: Don't you get it, silly? I care for people either way, and I am especially caring of you.

Steve: Ummmmm... If I say I don't get it, would that make you do that again?

Ava: Haha, don't get ahead of yourself prince.

Steve: Oh come on! It was worth the try!

Ava: I suppose. All the same though, are you sure you're ok to be by yourself?

Steve: Yeah, I'll be alright. Don't think though I won't come down and visit a bunch! It's good to get out of that castle every once and awhile, especially when I've got someone to spend time with outside of it.

Ava: Alright then. I'll be waiting. Until we meet again... Goodbye Steve..

Steve then wraps his arms around Ava hugging her in a way that almost seemed like he was just trying to protect her. Ava, shocked at first, wraps her arms around Steve in a gentle and loving way filling both of them with the upmost happiness.

Steve: I'm not good with goodbyes.. just see this is a "See ya later alligator."

Ava: Hehe... After while crocodile...

The two hold their embrace for a moment but eventually release with Ava running home as well as Steve. After running up the mountain at top speed, Steve eventually reaches the castle at the top only to immediately run to his room and stare out his window at the lit up kingdom that laid below him. While he enjoyed the festival, the only thing he had on his mind was when he would see Ava again. Something had changed in Steve after meeting Ava. This change made him feel calmer and more relaxed than he had ever felt before. He was truly filled with nothing but happiness for the first time in the five months that had felt like centuries.

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