Long Way Down

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Jack, knowing what Herobrine was referring to, began making his way to Steve's room. Once he got there, he then began immediately going through every last bit of Steve's room that he could only to find absolutely no trace of the lost page. Jack begins panicking fearing what'll happen if he doesn't find that page. Just as Jack begins to lose hope in maintaining the protection of his son, Herobrine once again reforms himself from Jack.

Jack: What... come to threaten my son now?

Herobrine: If you think that I'm going to hurt your son with no proof that he has that page, then you're badly mistaken. In fact, I don't know that I'd hurt him even if he did have the page so long as you could somehow convince him that it truly is nothing of any real importance. Either way though, I'm not going to lay a hand on him when we have absolutely no way of knowing for sure that he's the one with the page; however, I don't see anyone else besides him in this castle having it, and I doubt you have such poor security that someone could've broken in.

Jack: You're right... even if someone did manage to somehow break into the castle, there's no way that they would've broken in just to steal a page out of what would look like a regular old book to anyone else... Steve really is the one who has it... but where could he be keeping it?

Herobrine: Now as for that, I haven't the slightest clue as to where he could have placed it.

Steve: On me is an option.

Jack and Herobrine both turn to see Steve at the doorway of his room holding the page in his hand. Herobrine begins looking to him with anger while Jack looks to him with fear.

Jack: Steve, please.. just give back the page.

Herobrine: Yeah... do as your father tells you to Steve... just give us back the page...

Steve: This page holds the key to stopping you, doesn't it?

Herobrine: Wait what? What makes you think that?

Steve: Well, that answer's simple... When you were in Neos' body, you became angrier and angrier the closer we got to stopping you, and now that you see that I'm the one who has the page, you're beginning to get angry. The point is that the angrier you get, the more and more you're revealing that you're the one who's scared. The fact that you're getting angry proves that you hate to lose, and you're beginning to realize that you might end up losing this time... and I vow to make sure that you do.

Herobrine: Hehehehe... Oh, do you now? You of all people plan to stop me? You? Man... you're even dumber than your own father, and believe me when I say that's dumb. Well... since you really want to pose a threat to me that badly... I guess it would be rude of me to turn down such a brave proposition... so I suppose I'll just have to start treating you like a threat!

As soon as he finished his statement, Herobrine reunited with Jack and attempted to take him over just as he did Neos all those months ago, but Jack wasn't giving into him.

Steve: Dad, no!

Jack: It's ok, Steve... Go now... you need to find the others..

Steve: Wh-what others?

Jack: The elementals must be formed... it's the only way.. that he can be stopped... you must go now... you'll know them when you see them... find the temple, Steve... free the elements... and stop Herobrine...

Steve: Dad... no... I.. alright... I'll stop him... I love you Dad...

The second he spoke the last word to his father, Steve ran off through the castle in an attempt to escape Herobrine. Jack fought off Herobrine's control for as long as he could but would eventually be consumed by him and would fall under his control.

Herobrine: Yes... now... it's time to have some real fun...

As Steve runs throughout the castle, he eventually makes his way outside in the middle of the rain onto the top of one of the walls only to find that there's no escape route in sight. Steve then turns to go back but is stopped once he sees a corrupted Jack slowly making his way towards him.

Steve: Let my dad go you monster!

Herobrine: Monster? Now, are you really sure that you want to be calling me of all people names? I personally don't think that would be the wisest decision for you right now, now would it? I mean.. after all, that's a pretty big fall... Now... just give me the page and I'll let your father free from my control... seems fair... consider it as more of an "eye for an eye" type of agreement. What do ya say Steve? Deal or no deal?

Steve: I... No... my father would want me to stop you... and for not only him but for Neos and Mom... that's exactly what I'll do!

Herobrine: Ya know what? I admire your determination Steve.. I really do... there's just one tiny problem...

Steve: Oh, really? What's that?

Herobrine: The fact that you're ignorant enough to think that you could stop me... there's a reason I chose to take over your father rather than you... See, I knew that Neos just wouldn't be able to give me the power that I needed, so I had to find someone else... and when you used that spell in a foolish attempt to lock me away again, I found my next puppet... Jack.. your own father... because I could tell from the start that something was off about him... he knew too much, so there had to be a way that he did.. and come to find out that I made the perfect choice in choosing him to help me achieve my goal of reclaiming my own body...

Steve: Really now? And just how exactly was he the perfect choice for you?

Herobrine: Well... I was somewhat handicapped with what I could do on my own where I don't have my own body which prevented me from using any powers of my own... so that's where he comes into play...

Steve: Wait, what do you mean by powers of your own?

Herobrine: I'm saying that your dear old dad didn't tell you everything that he knew...

Steve: What?! No... you're lying! My dad would never hide stuff from me!

Herobrine: Oh, he wouldn't? Then explain to me how this is possible...

Herobrine, possessing Jack's body, holds out his hand and opens it up causing a white sphere to form in his hand slowly getting bigger.

Steve: Wait, what's that?!

Herobrine: Oh, this? It's a little trick that I picked up from your dad. Consider this as just a little insurance policy. Yeah, doing this would use up some of the power I've already acquired which would set me back a bit in terms of progress, but if it means that I get to get rid of my biggest threat... then so be it! So have fun Steve... it's a long way down, so I hope you're not afraid of heights!

Steve: No! I'll stop you one way or another, I promise it!

Herobrine: You won't get the chance... tell your mother and brother I said hi!

Herobrine then rears his hand back into the air and throws it forward causing the white sphere to hit the brick walkway right in front of Steve causing an explosion that would send Steve flying off the side of the castle wall and into the river below along with a bunch of the rubble that came from the wall due to the explosion. Herobrine would then walk over and look down at the river making sure that he couldn't see any sign of what he knew to be his biggest threat whom he saw no sign of.

Herobrine: Good riddance.....

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