Haunted by Failure

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The three guys would then continue to make their way into the temple slowly walking up the massive staircase realizing that this is their only shot at stopping Herobrine.

Jackson: Wait a minute, I just realized something.

Steve: Really, what is it Jackson?

Jackson: Does none of this seem a bit odd to you guys?

Sub: What do you mean by odd?

Jackson: I mean, think about it guys. The three of us, three people who had never even laid eyes on each other before are suddenly brought together on this elaborate mission to stop a thousands of years old evil spirit from destroying the world? I'm normally not one to believe in destiny or fate or any of that stuff for that matter, but even I'm willing to admit that all of this almost just seems way too perfect to not have anything to do with that.

Steve: Maybe you're right Jackson...

Jackson: Wait, really? You actually think I am, Steve?

Steve: You bring up some very good points, I can't deny that. It does honestly seem almost as if perhaps destiny played a part in this, or it could've been something even greater that influenced us three to meet in the way that we did. Although, I will be the first to say that I don't care why or how we all met. I'm proud to call you two my friends regardless of what the circumstances may be. You two have helped me when anybody else would've just kicked me to the curb, and I'm eternally grateful for that.

Jackson: Hey man, that's what friends are for. We said we were gonna help you out, and we weren't joking either.

Sub: Jackson's right. We're a team until the very end of all of this, and that's just how it is; however, I do agree with you Steve... I can honestly say that I genuinely am proud to have met the two of you, and there's not a thing that's gonna happen here to make me think any different. Now, let's go free those elements.

Steve lets out a soft grin at Sub's final statement nodding his head sealing approval, and the three continue to make their way up the stairs to the entrance of the massive temple. Once they reached the top, they entered the temple only to find nothing but an empty room with three pillars that formed a triangle as well as black flooring in front of each one with a symbol in the middle of each of them. The three would then wipe off any cobwebs or dust that they needed to and would begin examining the room in an attempt to figure out what to do next. As they were examining the room, Steve began to examine the page in an attempt to figure out what could be required of them next. After a bit of skimming through the page and looking over the room a few times, he noticed one major similarity.

Steve: Wait, guys, look at this!

Upon Steve's request, Sub and Jackson both gathered around him looking at the page with him.

Steve: Look at these symbols. They're the same ones that are on the floor here. The symbols are labeled as Alpha, Omega, and Delta. Wait, do you think that's the names of the elements?

Sub: I believe so, but while we know what the symbols mean now, we still don't know how to free them.

Jackson: Yeah, we have to find out how to activate them or something. If we don't, what use is any of this other information.

Steve: Hmmmmm... "The chosen ones may rise no matter the cost, should the elements ever have to return from the temple which they were lost..." Wait a minute! We aren't supposed to be the ones to decide if the elements are freed!

Sub: Wait, what do you mean by that?

Jackson: Yeah Steve, ya lost me too.

Steve: Think about what this says. "The chosen ones may rise no matter the cost." It's not the elements that need to be awoken, it's the chosen ones that are to wield them! "The sea and glaciers." That's Alpha... That's you, Sub!

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