Paying Back

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After realizing who the man that just stepped in to help Steve was, Steve stood in shock and confusion as to why the man was helping him.

The Hooded Man: So are you just gonna stand there and look nice or help me out?

Steve: Oh, yeah. Wh-what do we do?

The Hooded Man: Just stay unified... the more of a united front we prove to be, the more fearful they become of us.

Steve: Uhhhhhh... alright, I guess?

Steve and the hooded figure both proceeded to push back the wolves slowly which struck fear into the hearts of the wild beasts until they eventually all suddenly decided to run off. Once the wolf problem was taken care of, Steve attempted to greet himself to the hooded man but would be ignored.

The Hooded Man: My camp's up ahead.. follow me..

Steve: Ummm... whatever you say?

Steve would then begin following the man step by step until they finally reached a fairly nice campsite with fresh food being cooked over an open flame in the middle. Steve and the man both sit on two separate logs across from each other with both remaining silent as the man continued to cook his fresh meat. Tired of the silence, Steve finally began to speak in an attempt to get the man to say more about himself.

Steve: Thanks for saving me back there. I appreciate it.

The Hooded Man: No thanks needed.. just consider it me paying you back for the grocery assistance the other day...

Steve: Wait, you remembered me? How? You barely even looked at me.

The Hooded Man: I pay more attention than you think.. I also notice that you don't seem very stable emotionally... Why is that?

Steve: What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine!

The hooded man looked up for a second barely even showing his eyes and looked back down quickly.

The Hooded Man: Are you really though?

Steve: I said I'm fi-

The Hooded Man: Something happened between you and that girl you were with that day, didn't it?

Steve: W-w-wait.. what did you just say?

The Hooded Man: That's what's wrong, isn't it? You and that girl you were with in the market that day had a special connection, didn't you? It's funny.. you two didn't seem like you knew each other for very long, yet you both seemed extremely reliant on each other..

Steve: Ok, so what?! Why does it matter to you anyway?!

The Hooded Man: I suppose it really doesn't matter to me, does it? I just merely wanted to satisfy my curiosity... Although, the way you're reacting to what I'm saying proves that I'm right.

Steve: Ok, so what if you are?!

The Hooded Man: Well, if I am right which I clearly am, then that means there must've really been a true connection between you two.. one that can't simply be described by words.. See, I could tell by how unfamiliar you two acted towards each other that you hadn't known each other for too long, but you still seemed to have a very strong connection and reliance towards each other as I've already said. This means that you were both in desperate need for emotional stability and support which is what you both found in each other. That my friend.. is called love at first sight.

Steve remains motionless and in shock at how the man practically summarized everything Steve was feeling when it came to Ava and began to realize that this man wasn't any regular man.

Steve: Wait a minute, could this guy be one of the chosen ones? I can't be too sure.. I have to find out somehow, or do I just stick with my gut? Ahhhh, I don't know! Ya know what, I'm not worried about that right now. I need to find out just who this guy is before I begin to wonder anything else. Man.. you actually managed to pretty much interpret every single emotion I had toward her... how did you do that?

The Hooded Man: Consider it a little gift of mine.. I've just always been good at reading people whether it be emotionally, physically, or mentally.

Steve: Man... that's some gift to have. Oh crap, I just realized I never introduced myself! I'm Steve.

The Hooded Man: Nice to meet you, Steve.

Steve: Are you not gonna tell me your name?

The Hooded Man: Oh, mine? I mean.. it's not that important..

Steve: Sure it is. I think it's only fair I know the name of the guy who saved me from getting mauled by a pack of wolves.

The man lets out a low sigh and slowly removes his hood revealing a red head with slightly tan skin.

Jackson: It's Jackson...

Steve then walks over to Jackson who is remaining seated looking at the ground and holds out his hand which surprises Jackson at first and causes him to look up to reveal his astonishment.

Steve: Nice to meet you Jackson.

Jackson lets out a slight grin and stands up with Steve and shakes his hand. The two then return to their log seats and continue to chat.

Jackson: Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you the prince of that kingdom? What're you doing out here anyway?

Steve: Oh.. well... it's a.. long story...

Jackson: I got time.

Steve: You sure?

Jackson: Why not? I dig a good story.

Steve: Alright then... here it is...

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