Arrogance Is a Weakness

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After the pep talk with Herobrine, Jack continues to go about his business finding his finest clothing to wear which was eventually concluded as a fine black leather coat with a maroon red shirt and jet black jeans. Steve on the other hand had decided on a camouflage green shirt with blue jeans. Once the next day had arrived, Steve and Jack were both on the top of their game hygiene wise and had both been preparing all night for the festival. Steve brushed his teeth and actually showered for the first time in days. He then rushed down to the dining room where Jack awaited him for breakfast. Steve sits down, and they both begin eating their food.

Steve: Ya know Dad, you don't have to wait on me to start eating all the time.

Jack: I know I don't have to, but I would rather eat with my son than alone. It's good to have someone that you can make conversation with while eating. I personally believe it really enhances the meal, don't you agree?

Steve: Yeah, I guess you're as right as always oh wise one!

Jack: Haha! I know I am my boy, I just get a kick out of hearing you admit it! In fact, that time was almost as good as when I made you admit I was faster than you after that little race of ours!

Steve: You're never gonna let me live that one down, are ya?

Jack: It would take me being on my death bed to let you live it down Steve, and even then, I think I would be more than ok with that being my last words! Think about it. Jack Briggs laying nearly lifeless in his bed, but with his last gasp of air, he tells his son one last thing... what is this last thing, you ask? Well, that's simple... "Steven, my boy.. do you remember that time I kicked your ass in a race?" Hahaha! That's perfect! I've decided. That's definitely how I'm gonna die! I will take my last breath as I remind you of the time I beat you in a race!

Steve: Yep... of course you are. Love you too, Dad.

Jack: Oh, come on now, I'm just teasing you, you know that.

Steve: Yeah, I know... I just.. I don't like thinking about you being gone... even if it is a joke... you're all I have left.. I need you here.. with me... I don't wanna think about what it would be like without you here...

Jack: Oh, Steve, I.. I'm sorry.. I.. didn't mean to make you upset...

Steve: It's no big deal... I just hate thinking about it, that's all... I think I'm full... I'll be up in my room getting ready for the festival...

Jack: What.. you don't even want more biscuits and gravy? It's your favorite...

Steve: Nah, it's ok Dad... my stomach just isn't quite up to it right now.. like I said... I'll be up in my room getting ready if you need me.....

Steve walks up to his room and begins getting ready as he said he would while Jack goes to his room and sits on his bed disappointed in himself for making his son upset.

Jack: I'm such a screw up... I can't do this whole parenting thing by myself... I never could.. I always needed Molly to help me out... and now.. now she's gone...

Upon hearing this, Herobrine once again reforms from Jack as if it's a usual thing at this point.

Herobrine: This is what's about to happen. I'm about to appear and try to comfort you a tiny bit because I'm a bad guy but not heartless, and then you're gonna say-

Jack: I don't wanna hear a damn word from you when you're the one who took them away from me!

Herobrine: Man, we're a good team, aren't we? Hell, we're even able to finish each other's sentences now! Maybe even after I get my own body, me and you can still have this little partnership we have goin here. Who knows? Maybe even Steve can be a part of it someday! What do ya say?!

Jack looks up at Herobrine in pure disgust with Herobrine seeming to find it humorous.

Herobrine: Hey, I know a good death stare whenever I see one! You really think you have what it takes to get rid of me?

Jack: Actually, I know I do. The spell may not have worked, but I know that the other idea would without a doubt.

Herobrine: HA! You really think you could find people fit for that, and without me interfering no less? At first, I thought you were just going nuts, but maybe you really are just that stupid to begin with. It would take the biggest idiot to ever grace planet Earth to think that would be possible!

Jack: One thing that I think you need to come to understand Herobrine is that arrogance is the downfall to a lot of ideals... and your's is no different... when will you ever accept that?

Herobrine: When will I accept that? Well... I suppose I'll accept that the day I'm proven wrong in saying that it'll never happen, my friend... if I were you.. I'd keep your mouth shut and be getting ready for that little pit fighting of yours tonight...

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