Two Young Hearts

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After Steve had finally made it all the way down to the kingdom, he immediately began wandering in an attempt to find the friend he had met the night before. After about thirty minutes of looking for his friend, Steve was beginning to think that there wasn't any hope in finding her.

Steve: Damnit, Steve, how can you be so stupid as to not even ask where she lived?! Man, you're an idiot!

Just as Steve was about to give it all up and go back home, a familiar touch taps his shoulder. This touch was soft and gentle and was so familiar that Steve knew who it was and immediately turned greeting to petite girl with an ear to ear smile.

Steve: Oh, hey Ava! I've been looking for you.

Ava: Hehe, I noticed. It didn't seem like you were having much luck the bit of time I saw you.

Steve: Ummmm..... I have no further comments at this time..

This casual joking comment let out another giggle from Ava which made Steve smile a bit on the inside.

Ava: Alright, Prince Charming. So... what do you wanna do?

Steve: Hmmmm.. If ya want the honest answer, I didn't really think that far ahead...

Ava: That's ok my little scatter brain! Luckily for you, I had a plan already thought out!

Steve: Wait, really? What exactly is this plan of yours?

Ava: I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?

Steve: Oh, come on! The least you could do is give me a hint!

Ava: Oh, really now? Are you sure you wanna be saying that when we didn't even make plans to even hang out, but I still planned out what we were gonna do?

Steve: Ummmm.... Yeah, I got nothin, you win.

Ava: Haha! That's what I thought. Alright, c'mon, we're going to the forest!

Steve: Wait, the forest?

Ava: Yeah, of course! I thought you loved going there.

Steve: Oh, I do! I guess I just thought I misheard you, that's all. Anyways, what're we waiting for? Let's go!

The second Steve finishes his statement, he darts off towards the forest as if he was challenging Ava to a race of sorts.

Ava: Hey, that's not fair!

Ava begins running after him with her barely managing to catch up before they both pass through the border of the kingdom and enter the forest portion surrounding it. Once the two reach the confines of the forest, they both stop for a moment to take a breath.

Ava: How are you so fast? I barely managed to even keep up!

Steve: What can I say? I've just got a talent, that's all. You did great, little one, don't worry.

Steve finishes his last statement while patting Ava on the head like an infant, causing Ava to punch him as hard as she can in the chest pushing Steve back a tiny bit but making him laugh at the same time.

Steve: Hey! What was that for?!

Ava: No one, and I mean no one, makes fun of my size. Besides, it's not that I'm short, you're just too tall!

Steve: Alright, alright. I'm sorry for making fun of you for being so short.

Ava: What did I just say?

Steve: I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to make fun of your size in any form or fashion!

Ava giggles slightly at the reaction and follows it up with a gift to Steve in the form of a kiss on the cheek like the one given to him the night before. This makes Steve's face turn bright red, causing Ava to release yet another giggle.

Steve: Why do you have to keep doing that so unannounced?!

Ava: Well, the answer to that's obvious: if I were to inform you that it was going to happen whenever I did it, then your face wouldn't light up like a candle.

Steve: Haha, very funny!

Ava: Oh, come on now! You know I'm simply playing with you. Does my little scatter brain not like to be teased? Is that it?

Ava then begins pulling Steve down rubbing her hands through his hair messing it up.

Steve: Hey, watch the hair! Watch the hair!

Ava: Say please and I might!

Steve: Please stop messing up my hair!

Ava stops for a moment and begins thinking about her next decision.

Ava: Hmmmmmm... Nah, I'll just keep messing it up!

Ava then begins chasing Steve who is running as though his life is in danger only to run out of breath and Ava jump on him again like she did before but would manage to get him down on the ground this time.

Steve: Alright, I give up! You win.

Ava: I'm sorry, I didn't hear that last part. I guess I'm just gonna keep messing with your hair then.

Steve: No, please! You win! You win!

Ava: That's a good boy.

Ava then gets off of Steve allowing him to raise up as well. They both then sit down next to each other on a nearby log to rest again.

Ava: I think I've had more fun in the past hour than I've had in years..

Steve: I don't think there's any thought needed with me. I have without a doubt had more fun. Definitely...

Ava: Steve, is everything ok?

Steve: Oh.. yeah.. yeah, I'm fine...

Ava: Steve, you know you can talk to me about anything. I get we've only really known each other for a day, but I'm here for you no matter what... What's going on?

Steve: Being here in this forest just got me thinking, that's all...

Ava: May I ask what it got you thinking about?

Steve: Neos...

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