Building a Team

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Steve stops in fear for a moment not wanting to talk about what had happened between him and Herobrine at the castle but accepts that it's better to say it now rather than later.

Steve: After my mom and brother both died.. this evil spirit type of thing called Herobrine took control of my father... I don't know why he did it other than the fact that he wants power, but I don't know what he wants it for... Anyways.. I found a page that I thought held the key to stopping him which it apparently did seeing as how after he found out I had it... he used what he claimed to be my dad's "powers" and blew me off the castle wall... Yep... that's my story..

Jackson: Dang... that's rough.

Steve: Hehe.. you're tellin me... Now, the only chance I have at saving my father is finding out what this page means.

Steve then holds out the page revealing it to Jackson whom takes it and begins examining it himself. After a bit of skimming through the riddle the notorious page held, Jackson finally gave his thoughts on it.

Jackson: Well.. I can't say that I for sure know what this temple thing it's referring to is nor do I know where any temples are; however, I believe your main concern should be finding these "chosen ones" because it seems to me like without them, all the other information is completely useless.

Steve: I was afraid of that... but I don't know where to look. How am I supposed to find out who these supposed "chosen ones" are if the riddle doesn't give me even the slightest hint as to where to find them or how to know if I did?

Jackson: I guess that's where your problem comes into play. I'd imagine that whoever these chosen ones may be, it's like the riddle says: "The chosen ones may rise no matter the cost." That means that whoever they are, they'll appear one way or another, but I think that this temple has something to do with that... and if that's the case, then you'll have to find that temple before anything can be done. Long story short, either way, it seems like you're in a bit of a predicament.

Steve: I was afraid you were gonna say that... Well, at least I can sleep well knowing that I wasn't completely off with my theory. Well.. I suppose it's best I get some sleep. I gotta be up early in the morning so I can get a head start on traveling.

Jackson: Alright then, I have a spare sleeping bag in my tent if you wanna use that.

Steve: Alright man, thanks a bunch.

Jackson: Don't mention it.

Steve enters the tent and heads off to sleep for the night. Later the next morning, he wakes up and notices that Jackson isn't in his own sleeping bag and begins to get a bit anxious. Wondering where Jackson is, Steve steps out of the tent slowly still trying to wake up only to be greeted by the sight of Jackson packing everything up.

Jackson: Ya know, for someone who said they needed to be up early, you sure did sleep in late.

Steve: Wait, how do you know what time it is?

Jackson: Simple. The sun tells ya that. Where the sun is'll tell ya everything ya need to know about the time, and right now, it's telling me that it's about ten thirty.

Steve: Dang, I didn't think I'd sleep in that late at all. My bad.

Jackson: Eh, I suppose it's no major issue. Anyways, you ready to head out?

Steve: Head out? What do you mean?

Jackson: I mean I'm ready when you are man. You need someone to make sure you don't become fresh meat for animals, right?

Steve: Wow... So that's how we're gonna be, huh? Alright then, fair enough, but I still don't need you to come if you don't want to.

Jackson: Eh, I have nothing better to do. I live in the woods. Besides, you're about twenty miles out from Terra, so when it comes time to go back, you're gonna need my help to get there whether you like it or not.

Steve: Fine. Consider us partners then.

Jackson: Oh, come on now! Partners is so amateur sounding and basic. Calling ourselves a team just sounds so much more professional and legit!

Steve: Ughhhh, fine then! Consider us a "team."

Jackson: Yeah, that's the spirit!

Steve: Anyways, let's get going. We have a really long journey ahead of us, so it's best that we get a head start on it while we can.

Jackson: Alright, on we go!

Steve: Yep. On we go...

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