Love Is Powerful

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Ava sits motionless at first shocked at Steve's response and decides it's best to let Steve continue on with his thoughts.

Steve: I just can't stop thinking about him... I can't stop thinking about how much I miss him or how badly I want one last moment with him... I didn't even get to say goodbye to him... and it was all my fault that it all happened, and no matter what I do or tell myself, I can never believe otherwise because I know deep down that's the truth... I'm the reason my brother's not here anymore... and I have to deal with that... every single day...

Steve continues to sit perfectly still with tears beginning to slowly roll down his face getting faster and faster the longer they form, but something causes them to seize. Steve feels a connection between his lips and someone else's: Ava's. Steve remains frozen in place feeling as if time had come to halt all around him, but eventually, he embraced it closing his eyes and taking in every second that this moment consisted of. Once the two released, Ava and Steve both seemed extremely shocked with both being shocked that Ava had just made the move that she had. After awhile, Ava finally spoke up.

Ava: I'm sure your brother was a great guy, one I would've loved to have met... but he wouldn't have wanted you to constantly beat yourself up over it the way you have.. he would've wanted you to continue to live your life to the fullest and be proud of who you are. Heck.. I've only known you for a day, and I can already say I've never been prouder to call someone my friend... I care about you Steve.. I know this seems, and probably is really cheesy, but I really do mean what I'm saying.. I'll be here for you as long as you need me, and that's a promise I will keep until the day I die...

Steve takes in every word that leaves Ava's mouth until finally responding.

Steve: Thank you Ava... I couldn't be prouder to have someone in my life than I am you... You really have changed my outlook on a lot of things... especially love...

Ava: Awwwww, a prince and a gentleman! Aren't you just the most adorable guy in the world! Here, let's go home. We'll go get some food at the market. How's that sound?

Steve: Food.. man you sure know the way to my heart..

Ava: Hey! Is my friendship not enough?!

Steve: C'mon, you know I'm just pullin your leg. Let's go, m'lady.

Steve then follows the last statement with the same action as the previous night: He rises up off of the log and holds his hand out to Ava causing her to let out another one of her famous giggles that Steve has grown to love. They both then proceed towards the kingdom hand in hand. Once the two reach the kingdom, the two immediately head to the food market looking for something to eat. They eventually come to a type of salad bar that they begin standing in line for.

Steve: Ok, I have to ask.. Do you or do you not get chicken in your salads?

Ava: What? No! I'm a fruit salad kinda girl!

Steve: And just like that, I think I've lost a bit of respect for you...

Ava: Oh, please! That reaction in the forest said otherwise.

Steve: Hey, now that's not even fair to include! That caught me by surprise, and I just wasn't sure how else to react, ok?

Ava: Whatever you say your majesty...

Steve: Why are you so mean to me sometimes?

Ava: Simple. You're just that much cuter when you're annoyed.

Steve: Hey, I know a silent insult when I hear one!

Ava: I promise you there was no "silent insult." You're just genuinely cute when you're annoyed.

Steve: Alright, fine. I believe you.

Ava: Thank you.

As the two continue to wait in line, they see a hooded man drop all of his groceries in the middle of the crowd. The very sight of this caused Steve to immediately run over to help the man. Ava immediately runs after Steve to help the man as well. Steve and Ava both then begin helping the man pick up every last grocery that he dropped.

Steve: Here ya go, man. That should be everything.

Ava: Yeah, I hope we managed to help get everything for you.

The hooded man raised up to reveal a slightly tan face with orange hair.

The Hooded Man: Oh, yes.. thank you very much.. I'll be on my way now... goodbye..

The second he could get his last word in, the man ran off without saying another word.

Steve: Hmm.. that was weird. He didn't even mention his name or anything.

Ava: Yeah, he must've been in a rush or something. It's ok though. So, about those salads?

Steve: Oh crap! I almost forgot!

Steve and Ava both ran back in line until they finally got what they came for. The two would then sit down and eat their salads together until they were both done. Upon finishing their food, the sun was beginning to set signaling the time that they should both be heading home.

Steve: Man... I don't wanna go..

Ava: It'll be ok. We'll see each other again shortly, I'm sure. How about tomorrow?

Steve: I would be absolutely delighted.

Ava: Alright then. It's a date! I gotta go now though before my parents get more upset than they probably already are for me being gone all day. Bye Steve!

Steve: See ya Ava!

Steve remains seated as he watches Ava run off to her home.

Steve: Man... did I really just have my first kiss? Did I really just spend the entire day alone with a girl? Am I really falling for this girl? Man... maybe love really is just that power of a thing...

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