Boiling Waters: Magma Sea

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Steve along with Sub and Jackson all wake up bright and early prepared for the journey that awaits them. The three packed up everything they believed they would need and began moving towards the Magma Sea. Very shortly into their journey, the three guys began conversing with each other in an attempt to simply gain more general information about each other with them only knowing each other for a very short amount of time.

Sub: Wait a minute, so you ate what exactly?

Jackson: Snake. I understand it may not sound like it'd be the best thing in the world, but I promise you it's without a doubt one of the best meats I have ever eaten in my life.

Sub: Are you sure about that? It sounds to me like that would be really hard to sssstomach!

Jackson and Steve both break down into laughter at Sub's joke causing Sub to let out a chuckle of his own. The three then continue talking as they make their way to the location until a particular topic is brought up.

Jackson: Ok, I think this question should be a pretty good one for you two seeing as how you both seem like the calm, cool, and collected types: What's one thing in the world that you would give anything to have?

Sub: Hmmmmm... one thing in the world that I'd give anything for, huh? Well.. I guess I'd have to say that I'd probably just wish for my family back if we're being completely truthful about everything... I know that's probably not the best thing to say seeing as how I probably just ruined the mood, but that's really the only answer I have to be honest.

Jackson: Oh, no no no! It's fine! I understand. I shouldn't have asked... I shoulda known that probably wasn't going to be a very pretty topic regardless of what the answers were.

Sub: Well, you have only gotten my answer, so I think it's only fair that you answer it too Steve. What's one thing that you would give anything in the world for?

Steve doesn't respond and instead keeps walking without even turning to look at Sub as he asked them the serious question.

Sub: Oh, come on Steve. I get it's not a pretty question, but you don't have to act like we aren't even here because of it.

Jackson: You don't have to answer if you don't want to Steve. We just got a bit curious is all, we're sorry. We just don't really know much of anything about you, and well.. we're going on this crazy and intense journey with you, so we'd just like to at least know more about you if nothing else.

Sub: Yeah, man. Why do you always stay so closed off? We may be new people, but we're still here to help you dude. Think about it! Jackson saved you from the wolves and helped you to navigate the forest and hills that you two traveled through, and I helped you to solve the riddle on the page! What is it gonna take for you to realize that the two of us genuinely want nothing but to help you out?

Upon hearing the last question that Sub had released from his thoughts, Steve stopped in his tracks standing completely motionless causing both Sub and Jackson to stop along with him.

Steve: I.. I don't want to open up to you two because I know what'll happen to you if I do...

Jackson: Wait, what do you mean by that?

Sub: Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?

Steve: I mean that every single person that has been close to me throughout this entire situation has died, and I don't want two more good lives to end because of my problems... problems that I caused...

Steve remains motionless once more almost on the brink of tears until Jackson walks up and pats him on the shoulder causing Steve to look up at him and Sub in confusion.

Jackson: Listen to me Steve... We didn't come on this journey with you for the hell of it in case you haven't realized that by now. We came on this journey with you because we genuinely believe in what you're doing and support it wholeheartedly.

Steve: Really?

Sub: Yes, of course! We both have no family, but we both know that if we did, we would do anything and everything to protect them. That's why we're going to help you no matter what.

Jackson: Yeah man, you're stuck with us whether you like it or not. We're in this together, and that's just how it is.

Sub: We're with you Steve... So please.. let us help you and quit acting like you're perfectly fine all the time...

Steve: I... Thank you...

Sub: You can thank us by letting us help.

Steve: Alright... We're in this together... We're a team.

Jackson: Yes! This is awesome! Oh man, that white eyed freak show is in for a rude awakening whenever we get our hands on him!

Steve: Now let's go find that temple!

Sub: Hell yeah!

The now even more united three man army of Steve, Sub, and Jackson continue to make their way to their destination but continue to talk like before.

Steve: Ya know, I've been thinking. Whenever we get all of this sorted out, you guys should really come to Terra. I understand that you both are used to living in nature, but you would love it in Terra! It's such a peaceful, problem free area. In fact, in living there, you honestly almost forget sometimes that there even is evil in the world with how amazing of a place Terra is.

Sub: Hmmmm... I might just take you up on that offer.

Jackson: Yeah, I've been thinking about settling down in a real place for awhile now. Who knows? Maybe Terra will be the place for me to do just that!

Steve: I guess we'll have to talk more about it once we get all of this sorted out.

The three young men continue their journey over hill and hill again for hours until finally, they begin to see a faded orange lighting coming from the top of a mountain in the near distance going down the side.

Sub: Wait, guys! I think I see the volcano!

Sub's acknowledgement of the lighting causes Steve and Jackson to notice it too forging excitement and eagerness throughout all three of them. The three then begin running over the final hilltop until they're met by a plain area right over an ocean side.

Steve: Look over there! The volcano's lava is flowing right into the edge of the waters! This has gotta be the Magma Sea!

Jackson: Yeah, but now what? I'm not seeing a temple anywhere.

Sub: It's gotta be hidden somehow. The only question is where could it be hidden at here.

Steve: It doesn't matter. We have to find it one way or another, and we will find it. It's like we said before: We're going to find this temple, release those elements, and stop Herobrine once and for all.

Sub: Spoken like a true leader.

Jackson: Yeah, let's do this.

Steve: Hold in there Dad... We're gonna fix all of this... and we'll save you... I promise it...

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