Blood Shed From the Protected

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It's about twelve thirty in the afternoon the next day, and Steve and Jack are both finished getting ready for the festivities that await them in the kingdom below their hilltop castle. The two royalties, both dressed as fine as they knew to be, began the walk down to the kingdom below. Once they became close enough to the point they became noticeable to the crowd of people awaiting their arrival, the crowd began to become unhinged cheering louder than than any dinosaur could've ever roared. Both Jack and Steve finally reached the bottom with both being greeted by another immensely loud cheer. Jack was being greeted by so many citizens thanking him for all that he's done as king while Steve got to deal with more aggravation from every teenage girl in the kingdom. The two would then step onto a podium prepared for them where Jack stood in front with Steve right behind him. Jack would then begin to give a few words.

Jack: Welcome everyone to the festival that you guys actually organized, so if anything, shouldn't you guys be welcoming us?

This start received a huge amount of laughter from the crowd which was later seized allowing Jack to continue.

Jack: All jokes and laughter aside though, there's something very important that is owed here... A thank you from both me and my son, Steven, to each and every one of you. You have all helped to make this recuperation process so much better and heartfelt than it would've been without you, and for that, we could never thank you enough. We are gathered here today as one united kingdom to remember the two wonderful souls that we lost just five months ago... today, we will enjoy ourselves not only for fun but to show them wherever they may be right now that their sacrifices didn't go unnoticed nor were they in vein... they were treasured members of our beloved Terra family, and they will be remembered as such. So... in the remembrance of both Neos and Molly Briggs... let us enjoy ourselves as well as enjoy the time we have today with our families and friends... and let's have some fun!

The speech was followed up with a tidal wave of cheers which felt like it shook the Earth upon release. Once the festival finally kicked off, both Jack and Steve began to do nothing less than have enjoy themselves the best they could. While it was hard knowing what the festival was for, it was nice to know that the citizens cared so much for these two that they would do something like this. However, the gratefulness Steve was feeling wasn't making it any easier to deal with the constant bugging of every female within a mile radius of him. After the eye of the storm finally passed, Steve had a chance to take a breather for a moment.

Steve: I don't have very much experience with this type of stuff, but something tells me this isn't gonna get any easier to deal with.

The second the last word escaped Steve's breath, another girl approached him who he hadn't seen before in the crowd. She was blonde with the bottom layer of her hair being dyed jet black. She had pale white skin with black leggings and a white sweater on.

???: Hi!

Steve: Oh, ummm... Hey there. You're not gonna jump on me, are you, because as ok as I am with getting attention and love, that stuff's starting to hurt my back.

???: Haha! I promise I won't jump on you or anything like that. Don't worry, I'm not crazy like the other girls.

Steve: Alright then. I'll take your word for it.. for now!

Steve followed the last line with a dumb glare that made the girl laugh and blush a little which was obvious with her skin tone.

Ava: Oh, I'm so sorry! I forgot to so much as even introduce myself! I'm Ava! Ava Allen!

Steve: Well, it's nice to meet you, Ava. I'm Steve.

Steve holds out his hand to Ava which she gladly accepts shaking his hand.

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