Subzero Temperatures

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Later in the evening, Steve and Jackson are both continuing on with their journey as they reach a group of hills that Steve is unfamiliar with.

Steve: Hmmm... I can't say that these particular hills are very similar to me. I will admit though, it's getting really cold the further up we get.

Jackson: Yeah, I'm not much for leaving the wilderness, so I definitely am not used to the cold like this. On the bright side, we should be able to rest for a bit once we get to the top.

Steve: Yeah, you're right, but is that really the best option? I mean, the less we move, the colder we'll get. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't feel like getting any colder than we already are because I'm not very suited for the cold right now.

Jackson: Yeah, I guess you're right, but if the wind isn't too bad up there, we could maybe start a fire and warm up that way for a little while if you'd like.

Steve: That wouldn't be a bad idea actually. Alright, we have a plan now, so that's a start.

Steve and Jackson both continue up the hillside with the two of them becoming colder and colder the higher up on the hillside that they got.

Steve: Wait a minute, we're almost at the top!

Jackson: First one up there wins!

Steve: Wait a minute, that's no fair!

Jackson got a head start on Steve in the race to the top which gave Jackson the clear advantage and a definite win, but once they both reached the top, they met a sight they weren't expecting to see.

Steve: Look, if you didn't cheat like that, I would've for sure wo- What the...

Jackson was standing still without making a move at the sight of an igloo typed house at the very top of the very hill they planned on making a fire on. Upon seeing the makeshift home, Steve also remained motionless for a moment until the two finally began examining the area in an attempt to find out if the home was old or if it belonged to someone.

Steve: You're a lot more of a wilderness guy Jackson. What do you think?

Jackson: Well, what I think is that if someone did live here, I don't think they do now. There's absolutely no sign of life having lived here anytime recently, so we should be good to take whatever we find if it's useful.

Steve: Alright then, it's settled. I'll check inside while you scan around the perimeter, sound good?

Jackson: Sounds good to me.

Jackson leaves to begin searching around the area in an attempt to find anybody that the place might belong to or any animals they could use for fresh food. Meanwhile, Steve enters the igloo and begins searching through the bags inside only to find nothing.

Steve: Man, it's like what stuff was here got ransacked by people already, or whoever did live here took everything and left. Either way, I'm not so sure that this place has been abandoned for so long.

???: That's because it's not.

Steve hears the statement right before hearing a crossbow being pointed at the back of his head. He freezes in fear of whom it could be and whether or not they're dangerous.

Steve: Look, man.. I didn't know that this place belonged to anybody. My friend and I believed that it seemed abandoned, so we just started searching for stuff, that's all. I'm sorry..

???: Hey, now I'm not gonna be hostile unless you make me. I can be a fairly friendly guy, but how can I trust that you two are the same way? You are going through my bags in my home with your red headed friend outside trying to keep people like me from sneaking up on you, so I think you and I both understand how that's not necessarily a good look on your guys' parts. Although, it's as I said.. I'm a friendly guy, so I'll give you a chance to show some friendliness as well. If we both go out there, is your friend gonna try to attack me?

Steve: No.. He wouldn't even if I didn't go out there with you.

???: Alright then.. I suppose I'll just have to take your word for it. Let's go, then.

The man withdraws the crossbow from the back of Steve's head allowing Steve to turn around to face the man. Steve is then greeted by a black haired guy with pale skin and blue eyes who's about the size Steve is. The two then walk out of the igloo together around the same time that Jackson is returning to the top of the hill to meet up with Steve again.

Jackson: Yeah, there's nothing around here Steve. It's just you and me, and who the hell is that?!

Steve: Oh, him? He seems like a good enough guy. Your name is?

Sub: Oh, yeah. The name's Sub.

Jackson: Sub? Who calls their kid Sub? Man, your parents really didn't like you did they?

Sub: Don't breathe a word about my parents... They're dead, so what difference does it make?

Jackson: Oh, dude, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to be such a dick. I never would've thought that they were dead...

Sub: It's fine I guess.. that's why there's so many bags in there that are empty.. We all three used to live up here until one day, they said they were going out to hunt and never came back. I've been up here on my own ever since then. Speaking of, who are you two anyway?

Jackson: Oh, I'm Jackson, and I'm from absolutely nowhere but the woods!

Sub: Interesting... I guess? And you?

Steve: Oh, uhhh.. Steve. Steven Briggs.

Sub: A Briggs, huh? As in Jack Briggs?

Steve: Yeah.. that's my father.

Sub: Ah, I see. You hear a lot of good things about him from neighboring areas.

Steve: Wait, really?

Sub: Oh, yeah! There's so many people that talk about him, it's insane! He's loved everywhere!

Steve: Hehe.. I didn't know I was the son of a celebrity...

Sub: Speaking of, why are you suddenly so down and out? You seemed perfectly fine in the igloo, so what's different?

Steve: Well... here we go again, I guess...

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