Temple of Elements

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The three guys began to look all over the area in an attempt to find where the temple might be but to no avail. They would continue to search for hours and hours only to find absolutely no trace of the temple anywhere around.

Jackson: This is impossible! How can we find something that was made to be practically impossible to find?

Steve: It doesn't matter. We have to find some clue as to where it's hidden at. It has to be here, so we have to keep looking.

Jackson: Yeah, you're right. I'll keep looking.

While Steve and Jackson are both searching the nearby area for any clues, Sub is examining the area in an attempt to see if there's anything around that matches up to anything said in the riddle. As he continues to think to himself, he begins to slowly realize something: Normally, the closer you got to lava, the hotter it got, but he was getting closer to the side of the ledge that had the lava near it and was getting no hotter. Thinking that he had found a clue, he returned to the side of the ledge that Jackson and Steve were on and consulted it with the two of them.

Sub: Ok, the closer you would normally get to a volcano, the hotter it gets, right?

Jackson: Uhhhhhhh... yeah, that's how heat works Sub. Why do you ask?

Sub: Well, I figured I should seeing as how that volcano is not making me feel any hotter the closer I get to it, and I feel as though there's something a little fishy about that.

Steve: How likely do you think it is that that's got something to do with where the temple is?

Sub: If you want the truth, I'd almost guarantee that's got something to do with it.

Steve: Alright then, we've got something to work with now. The only question now is what exactly could that have to do with the location of the temple.

Sub continues to examine the area in an attempt to find out what it means but eventually realizes something odd about the waters below. As Jackson and Steve continue to converse, Sub finally speaks up about what he noticed.

Sub: Hey guys? Come over here for a minute.

Steve and Jackson walk over to Sub who is standing right on the edge of the hillside that lay above the waters and lava below.

Jackson: Yeah, I don't get it. What exactly are we supposed to be looking for?

Sub: Look down there. You see where the lava and water meet?

Steve: Yeah, why?

Sub: If you'll pay attention, you'll notice that the lava isn't combatting the water at all or vise versa. The two meet and do nothing, and that's just simply not how water and lava work. I think I know what we have to do, but you guys have to trust me on this.

Steve: Alright, what is it?

Sub: I think we should jump...

Jackson: Wait, what?! Are you nuts?! You want to jump into lava and heated water?! Here I thought you were the smartest one of us three and then you suggest doing something like that!

Sub: I understand how insane it sounds. In fact, it almost sounds like suicide, but what other choice do we have? We either find the temple or we lose anyways, so what's the point in playing it safe at this point?

Steve: You're right...

Jackson and Sub both look at Steve shocked at his agreement with Sub.

Jackson: Oh, you did not just say he was right, did you?

Steve: That I did... We need to find the temple no matter what, or it's like Sub said: We lose. There's no point in continuing to play it safe because if we continue to do that, then we won't accomplish a thing. With that being said, I say we take Sub up on his suggestion because he hasn't been wrong on anything yet, so we have no reason to not trust him now.

Sub: Thank you Steve. Are you up for it Jackson?

Jackson: Let's be real here, does it really matter if I am or not? Either way.. I'm in.

Steve: Alright then... On the count of three... One.. Two... Three!

Upon hearing the three count finalize, the three would jump in unison off the side of the hilltop and down into the boiling waters below. The three accepted that this could be the end as they closed their eyes and prepared themselves for anything. As they began to think that they would meet their fiery end, they didn't. They ended up falling right through the lava and water and into a hidden chamber hidden deep below it with real water stopping their fall. The three would then make their way out of the water and on the underground shoreline in shock of what they had just experienced.

Jackson: Ok, ya know what? Sub, I would like to sincerely apologize for everything I said and for ever questioning you. I should've known to never question a genius and me a mere forest camper.

Sub: Hahaha! It's all good, Jackson. I'm just glad we made it alright.

Steve: We didn't just make it alright. We found a new area, and I think this may very well be where the temple's at. Come on. We have to keep moving.

Sub and Jackson follow quickly behind Steve as they make their way slowly through the massive underground chamber. The three man group would continue on this walk for quite some time until they finally came across something that they saw to be as valuable as gold: The temple...

Steve: Finally... We actually found it...

Sub: I honestly almost can't believe it...

Jackson: Ya know Sub... For once, I actually agree with you on something...

Steve: Well.. what're we waiting for? Let's go give those elements a good little wake up call.

Sub: I'm right with ya Steve.

Jackson: Yeah, you can count on me too.

Steve: I'm glad to hear it... Let's go stop Herobrine. Just a little longer Dad... I'm begging you... Hold on just a little longer...

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