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I accidentally deleted the top paragraph omfg here's the rules anyway:

1) 3-day time limit

2) 3k words maybe

3) no updating other books


CANON (sorta???)

"Killer, Killer wake up!" Muffled voices swirled around in the patient's head, getting lost in the murky waters of his mind. At this moment, everyone and everything was dead to him. Nothing mattered anymore. But with a hesitant sigh, he opened his eyes once more.

"C-Color? Is that you?" Killer muttered, rubbing his eye sockets. He was feeling... well, frankly, sore. He felt like he had laid still for a thousand years and never moved an inch. Not a good feeling, to be honest. "W-Where... am I?!" His flight and fight response was all over the place, constantly switching between the two options before dissipating completely.

He was in a hospital, except instead of the usual blinding white walls, it was drabby grey walls, decorated with random cards and a wide assortment of colorful balloons. Did someone celebrate their birthday recently? The only source of light in the room was a small cucumber-scented candle, the small flame flickering precariously near the stack of messily crumpled doctor notes. 

Killer didn't know what to feel. Well, to be more specific, he didn't know what he was feeling. Just a mushy mix of colors, not even emotions. Everything was just... so blurry. 

All he remembered was that he was someone called Killer, who apparently did some good deeds to land on the Star Sanses' support team. Oh, and he had a good friend called Color. And apparently, his other good friend, Outer, died in an... accident. Nothing less, nothing more. It irked him for some reason, but he pushed the disgusting feeling back as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey... Color, is everything alright?" Killer croaked quietly, lifting a finger up to trace the blurry distressed silhouette of his best friend, who was currently placing his hands on his forehead in somewhat agony. "You don't seem very happy." It pricked him a little to see someone so unhappy to see him, but again, why should he care? No, I shouldn't' think like that. Forcing a smile, he asked again, "You in the blues or something?"

Suddenly, the colorful skeleton looked up with just blatant joy in his eyes, along with uncertainty and... caution. He lifted his hand up to cup Killer's cheek caringly like he was afraid the resting skeleton would just crumble away like a trick of his eyes. "Hey... do you remember anything?" he asked slowly as if stepping around a hibernating bear. "Like, anything at all?"

"No, not exactly. Something wrong?"

Like leaping forward in a marathon, he blurted, "How about Nightmare? D-Do you know him?" Then he slapped his mouth, cursing a muffled curse as he leaned back, regretting his decision. Dream told him he shouldn't be so quick and blabber-y as to keep the mind-wipe as foolproof as possible. "N-Nevermind, I-"

"No, I don't. What's going on, Color?" Killer mumbled, looking down at his IV, the iodized liquid traveling down into his arm. "Why are you so sad, and angry, and- so distraught?" He tried to focus his attention on his friend, but couldn't handle the pressure and settled on the glittery cards on the wooden door of his room. "Did I do something bad?"

Color just wanted to blurt out, 'Yes, you killed millions of people and caused pain and suffering to all of the AUs', but he knew wiser. If he were to throw that word bomb onto his ex-best friend- well maybe now old best friend- who would know what would happen. After all, he was still recovering, and any crucial information could break his mind completely. He didn't work this hard and sacrifice his friends just to let the elusive skeleton slip through the cracks in his fingers once again.

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