juvenile pt 1

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Ah, I've decided to start a little mini-series in this book. I hope you guys don't expect it to be lengthy haha- it'll be at most 5 parts unless stated otherwise. Anyways, enjoy!~

Also, to clarify, when I say "junior year", I mean they are 17 years old. On the Canadian Age of Consent (16), both Killer and Nightmare are 17 and can give consent. In this part of the book, years pass and ages change, so I will be telling you guys if so.

(Juvie! Killer x Juvie! Passive! Nightmare)


Juvenile detention changed Killer Sharpen. Not in the way where it was a little tweak here and there, but in the way where you could only tell they were both the same person from their appearance. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was not a good thing. 

Juvenile- or Juvie for short- was a rehabilitation center for minors to teach them how to not fuck up next time. Usually, they'd do a good job of that, and teens would come out with a renewed purpose in life. But unfortunately, The Sunshine Juvenile Detention was not it.

Killer didn't mean to. He swore on his life he didn't want to kill his mother. But he did. There was nothing else to say. The ride to the center wasn't anything he'd ever felt before. It wasn't different physically, but mentally. As the awkward shy kid, he cried in the corner of the seat, pulling on the drawstrings of his black hoodie so no one could see his tears. Everyone knew he was a crybaby.

However, wouldn't happen for long.

"We're here, Mr. Sharpen," the chaperone muttered, glancing back. No response. Sighing, he rested his arms on the armrest. "Killer, I won't wait for you all day. You are going to Juvenile."

Sniffing, the skeleton rubbed his huge dark grey eyebags, wincing at the excruciating pain of more tears. He didn't want to cry anymore, but it seemed like he couldn't stop. "Okay." Grossly wiping all of the snot off with his hoodie sleeve, he pushed the car door open. 

The tinted windows didn't prepare him for the sight in front of him.

Sunshine Juvie. Two large marble pillars stood at each side of the entrance, a medieval-looking shut gate with harsh white light piercing through the eroded holes. Otherwise, a scary-looking place. As well as being horrifying, it seemed super run down. Dark green ivy crawled all over the stone walls, growing into the several cracks. The paths leading to the back were pitch black, only a single wall lamp illuminating the slippery smooth stones on the floor. He'd hoped that he'd never have to go back there.

Fiddling with his hands, he looked down at his chaperone's shadow, the shape being the only guide to where he had to walk. The sidewalk was extremely lopsided, and Killer got bouts of panic every time his sneakers caught onto a mishappen piece.

They had reached the entrance after a short while, and his chaperone turned the rust-covered doorknob, the door creaking from overuse. "Don't be intimidated Killer, the inside is much nicer." He'd hope so. If he was to learn anything, it had to be in a well lit non-fungus inhabiting room. He mumbled an 'okay'.

The few minutes went by in a flash, to Killer's dismay. Trying to clutch onto every last second of freedom, he dreaded the time where he'd get a shared cell. He had a streak of bad luck, so his cellmate would be a bully. 


"Killer Sharpen."



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