fuck a princess, i'm a king

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mmm this one's a doozy. Sorry for the bazillion tags- how the fuck do I word this bitch

Female! Human! (Queen! Killer x Guard! Nightmare)



Killer's POV

"Oh, what a bore," I grumbled, flicking a piece of lint off my glossy, long, red nails. "This is obviously a waste of my time." The prisoner looked up at me, with fear in his eyes.

Currently, I was lounging on my throne, leg resting on the armrest of the plush velvet chair. Nightmare told me that was unprofessional, but I'm sure no royal snoot would barge into my room and catch me in the act, anyway.

Apparently, she caught a prisoner trying to escape, but not before chastising me for everything I did. I eat too messily, I talk with too many slangs, I execute too many people- gosh, she just nags all the time! It's not like she's my mom... we're literally like the same age- actually, I'm older! Man, why doesn't anyone respect their elders? I mean- I always make fun of the senior judges, but only I can not respect my elders.

♫ Being a bitch is my kink 
♫ What the fuck else did you think? 

"Now, now, don't be so hasty," Nightmare rumbled, pressing down on the prisoner's head with her high-heel boot. "We still need to discuss the fate of this vermin." Pushing him back slightly, she retied her long silvery ponytail, rolling her eyes. "If you don't learn how to judge people properly, you won't have anywhere to go after you've been kicked off your throne."

"Don't I have to die to be kicked out?" I asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow. That happened to my mom. She died valiantly in a battle- to many of our citizens' surprise- and I was shoved into the role of the Queen of War, being the only child. Well, the only child alive that is.

"Nah," the guard responded, tapping her fingers against her hip. "Dying is just one of them." She started listing on her fingers. "You can be exiled by the people, ruled out by the senior court, stepped down by your own choice, forced to retire because of old age/chronic illness, or..." Then, Nightmare grinned insanely. "Tortured for eternity."

I let out a small "oh". Fiddling with my fingers, I mumbled, "Can we kill this one?" I didn't really have anything to add, and to be honest, my knife skills have been getting pretty rusty so I need to sharpen them. Haha.

♫ I'm no Cinderella, but I like the shoes 
♫ Big glass platforms, bitch, I'm choosey 

"And why?" Nightmare interrogated, looking at me with an unimpressed face. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you're only choosing that because you want to have a good reason to whip out your knife set again." Rhythmically tapping her arm, she said with a snarky grin, "Or am I right on the dot?"

"Well-" I started slowly, leaning from side to side. "-yeah, basically?" Then I jumped up, defensively raising my hands. "But I have more reasons this time!"

"Like what?"

"Uhmmm..." Improvise. Adapt. Over- "So, basically, I think that he's ugly." Carefully taking a knife out of the cushion of my throne- one of many- I twirled it around in my fingers. "My babies haven't had any fresh meat recently."

"Hah," she let out a dry laugh, looking at me disapprovingly. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood." Sighing, she stepped back, nodding. "Do your thing, m'lady."


lmk if you want me to continue this but I have no clue how to and it's been a draft for like 300 months LMAO anyway bye

~ luna

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