expectations and realities

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Uhhh... this is a shit-post. you just got duped. I'm going to throw so much shade that the sun won't remember you exist-

(Nightmare x Killer)

(Expectation) FANON vs (Reality) CANON


💜 EXPECTATION: After a hard day at work

Killer: Mmmm, Boss, I am finished with work today.

Nightmare: Wow, you get fifty raises. Also, you're the queen now.


Nightmare: Yes, really. I am hot tentacle man who never lies. Now here's a crown.

Killer: Wow, it's pretty high quality!

Nightmare: Mhm. I made it with Color's remains.

Killer: Lmao so cool- I don't care about Color at all, he can die.

🖤 REALITY: After a hard day at work

Killer: I am finished with my mission.

Nightmare: Wow, you fucking dumbass. I told you that you weren't supposed to kill anyone.

Killer: Oh. Well, I did all my other missions well, so it will cancel out, right?

Nightmare: No. You live in the dungeon now.

Killer: Ok. I will go to Color- COUGH- sorry, something stuck in my throat. I meant the dungeon.

Nightmare: Okay. Also, if we ever go outside together, you have to say we're friends.

Killer: Ok. -walks into the ground- Bye.


💜 EXPECTATION: Relationship Goals

Killer: Hi Nooty! I want to go on a date. Not like we're in the middle of war and have no free time or way to go out without being jumped. 

Nightmare: Sure, honey bun bun crack addict back at it sweetheart lovely doo. How about a picnic?

Killer: Motherfucking- I don't want to eat no fucking ants- I mean- sure! I love you so much baby girl boy dun dun dance poop doop marble statue godly meth addict.

Nightmare: Damn you are so uh hot.

Killer: Omg, I so agree. Smart minds think alike! In fact, marry me!

Nightmare: Sure, I have time for this! -puts ring on preexisting ring- We're double married now.

Killer: Yum. Wanna have an orgy now?

Nightmare: Ah, yes. I am a fucking horny bastard pervert. Let's 'accidentally' not use protection.

Killer: This is a literal "SHIT" post, huh. I mean- sure.

🖤 REALITY: Relationship Goals

Killer: Ey.

Nightmare: Wha- Killer why are you here.

Killer: I'm keeping you company.

Nightmare: ...I feel like you're plotting something.

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