stay with me

685 26 37

💜Please listen to the song and read the warning.💜


-dark themes (suicide mention)




You have been warned.


(I've decided to make them all human with one special power for this one, which means Nightmare is passive cuz I don't think a goopy human would work-)

Killer decided one day that he would rather die than face another day. So he decided to stab himself in the forehead after going to the afterparty.

Ah, yes. The godforsaken afterparty. Everyone had just finished college and were deep in college debt, but someone had the bright idea that they should waste even more of their money on hosting a party. Killer wanted to say goodbye to everyone before never seeing them again. He hoped that everyone would just think that he was going to move out of the city, to a high paying job that would make him rich.

Killer's lower lip quivered as he tried to calm himself down. "I-It's okay... no one will think anything of it," he whispered shakily, clutching his blankets tightly. "They won't question anything..."



Dust | just now

Killerrr r u here yet? Don't wanna b alone...

"Oh. It's just Dust," Killer huffed in relief. Good thing it wasn't Nightmare. If it was, he would spiral deeper into a panic.

Killer had a crush on Nightmare. Yeah, crushes in college, it was stupid. But he didn't know what else to call it. He had gotten the taller's number to his happiness and constantly chatted with him. However, he realized that Cross- his meme-st friend- had feelings for him. So, being a respectful friend, he decided to throw away his feelings and support him full-on. Plus, Killer secretly knew that the only deciding factor on who would win was who Nightmare wanted the most. It probably wouldn't be a boy who had mostly B's.

Nightmare was a full A's student, his major in the medical field- probably to become a professional surgeon that led teams. He came from a rich family who probably threw dozens of cash away for his education. His special skill was unknown. Of course, that still meant he had to wear restraints during tests like everyone else.

Killer? Well, Killer was a student who passed with flying colors, taking in multiple part-time jobs to pay for himself. He was forced to live alone when his parents died when he was 19 and used to getting support. His major was astrology with his best friend- Outer. Of course, he just wanted to see the stars. Nothing else. Maybe that was the only thing keeping him alive. To see the galaxies that Outer raved about, the stars that shone brighter up close, the ethereal planets that adorned the universe. Killer thought that he might've had a crush on him. But that all disappeared when he met Nightmare.

He was certain he liked Nightmare. His wispy white hair, his intense purple eyes, his multiple tattoos- basically Killer was a simp for him. He wasn't creepy or a stalker, but he tried seeing Nightmare as much as possible. If that meant using up breaks, he would do it. Eventually, the taller found out, basically predicting that Killer would try to talk to him. So he did it first, meeting the smaller in the library and exchanging numbers.

Killer sighed, replying back to Dust.

Killer | just now

Coming soon I'm pickin' out an outfit

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