gingerbread man.

407 16 14

My stomach hurts right now and I just hate myself.

(Nightmare x Runaway! Killer)


Lol, do you like these label stuff-

(Oh yeah, canon just means that Killer don't get them feelings/Nightmare isn't very romantic/humane. They can be in any situation, it's just that the canon rules apply.)


Killer drove through the traffic on his motorcycle, ignoring the honking. It didn't matter to him anyway. What mattered now was escaping. Looking back for a split second, he could see his boyfriend- well, fiance- chase after him. Ignoring the loud taunting, he zipped by a truck.

"I have to go, Nightmare. You'll understand," he called out monotonously, lifting a hand to wave goodbye. "It's not like you wanted me around anyways."


"COME BACK HERE, YOU [redacted]!" Killer barely dodged a tentacle, the appendage crashing into a nearby car. "I NEED YOU!" His target jumped in excitement. Oh really? The high and mighty King of Nightmares seemed like a laughingstock right now.

"Sorry, but I'm not into a committed relationship," he yelled, smirking a little. "I already found someone else who'll provide for me perfectly." To be honest, he didn't find anyone yet. He'd just expect that when he reached Manhattan he'd find a hookup. It was pretty much that easy for him; he had the looks and the talk.

Suddenly, he flung his knife out behind him, the blade homing into a sneaking tentacle. It burned through the skin, causing the tendril to quickly dissipate. "That was a sneaky move, Nightmare. You taught me better than to fall for that bullshit."

(Damn I just love badass Killer UwU you don't need a man like ugly octopus)

He drove into a secluded parking lot, parking his motorcycle on the side. Even though his past self would continue to drive to the motel, that would be a grave mistake. If he'd led Nightmare to where he was staying in, then he'd never get him off his tail. He had to cut him off, right here, right now.

Taking two large knives from his knife sash, he readied himself. He had a sneaking suspicion that the taller would use brute force to get his "soon-to-be-husband" back under his control. Who even uses choking methods on their fiance? Oh, a slimy sewer octopus? Makes sense.


Nightmare crashed into Killer, tumbling with him. "You can't escape me. I won't allow it!" They grappled for control, trying to get on top. Killer had already been through millions of battles, so the moment they clashed, he knew that- intentionally or not- the taller was going for the kill.

"Stop it Nightmare." Rolling away, he got up, sharpening his knives together. The fun part about fighting the octopus was that you could hit as hard as you can since it didn't really matter. He was a god, anyways, you'd see him again one day.

He pulled his engagement ring off

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He pulled his engagement ring off. A triple-A quality amethyst with rose gold criss-cross handles. "Why are we even married?" Looking at it tiredly, he flicked it at the taller, the ring crashing onto the ground before being crushed by his foot. "I don't get it." It didn't break, but it definitely looked soiled and disgusting. "Is this some type of game we're playing?"

Nightmare looked like he was out to lash out, but then he suddenly let out a held breath. "Why'd you even accept the proposal? It's not like you were going to hurt my feelings if you declined." Slipping his own ring off- a matching set- he dropped it on the ground. "Just tell me you don't want commitment again. Don't accept the ring then throw it away. What game are you playing?"

"You forced my hand!" Killer screamed, shaking his head. "Do you want to see emotion? I'll show you emotion!" Twitching angrily, he lifted up both of his knives, rolling his sleeves up. It was about to get messy. He was tired of obeying his stupid "boss". 

"I'll cut you until you go away."


Words: 705

Uh yeah, this was pretty short. I dunno, it's like a drabble.

All I have to say is Melanie Martinez has helped me through my darkest times and Gingerbread Man is one of my favorites. So is Dead To Me and Detention. Pretty cool, huh? Usually when I listen to those songs I think of Dustberry- especially Detention- do not ask why, I do not know.

I dunno if I can write Nightkiller to those songs, so oopsie. Anyways I've limited myself to a one-shot per day, so if you're reading this, I wrote this on 9/8/20.

K bye.

~ethereale 💜

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