class fight

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Let's get this bread. Oh yeah, I'm about to throw MYSELF under the bus- I deserve it tbh. Italics are flashbacks FYI.

(Student! Killer x Student! Nightmare)

CANON (NM is passive)


Killer calmly gnawed on his pencil, looking across from him. Jamie was talking behind Nightmare's back again. The Villain Sanses were offered an escape from jail- go to school, and be nice. He didn't really mind the offer, as long as his coworkers went with him. It would be hard going to school alone, since all the friend opportunities would be non-existent.

Cross took the offer in a heartbeat. Horror always wanted to go to school, so he happily accepted. Dust also agreed, hoping to make himself a good person for Swap. Nightmare was against it, but knowing that he'd be able to stand up for himself this time, he accepted. Since it was a unanimous decision, Killer also agreed.

"Ughh... I wish Nightmare wasn't in this class. I can't do work in class with him here!" she groaned, rolling her eyes. The rest of the table was too scared to stand up to her, so they just silently listened to her bickering. Killer, however, was getting bored of the school life. He just wanted to kill everyone and go home. 

But he couldn't. 


"Yes, Boss?"

"You can stop calling me that now, the war ended," Nightmare sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I'll probably have to file all the paperwork now, and pay all the expenses." The smaller cocked his head in silent interest. Could he go home now? But what home did he have left?

"...Night, where will I live? I don't think I have a house," Killer mumbled, fiddling with the holes in his sweater. (SWEATER WEATHER-) It was true. He was positive that Ink scrapped his timeline, to the point that trying to go to it would land him in the void. Either he suddenly forgot the coordinates completely, or everything was quarantined.

Nightmare looked up in surprise. "Oh. Well, you don't have to leave the mansion." Scratching his head, he seemed to realize something and grabbed a new piece of paper. "Actually, I think the mansion is too far from the school. How about we rent an apartment together? I think everyone else still has a home, so it'll be just you and me."

"Cross has a house?"

"Yeah, Dream offered his."

"Oh." That was strange. Well, maybe not that strange. The positive skeleton always wanted to help people. And maybe Dust and Horror were too much of a handful. "I see."

"But on one condition." Suddenly Nightmare was face to face with his ex-subordinate, looking down at him. "You cannot kill anyone." It seemed like the taller had really gotten soft like Dust said. Killer frowned, and was about to speak up until he felt lips against his.

Nightmare's tongue entangled with his, fighting for... something. Then all of a sudden, he let go, a string of saliva connecting their tongues then snapping. "Well, you have always been a troublemaker." (roll credits for my other book LMAO-) Extending his hand, the stroked the smaller's cheek. "How about a proposition?"

"I will only let you kill on my command."


Killer let out an extended sigh, slinging his bookpack over his back carelessly. Lunch time. Walking into the cafeteria, he was met with an angry Nightmare. Wincing, he expected to be hit.

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