it feels so simple | love you always

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💚 Please listen to the second bop, this chapter also includes a light lime. 💚

This is a continuation of "it feels just right i can't explain it."


The walk back home was quite uneventful. The two shared quiet jokes and stories as they traversed through the streets, making sure to stay near populated places. It was nice to be alone sometimes, but not during the night.

During the whole journey, Nightmare couldn't stop glancing at Killer. For the most part they made subtle eye contact and watched out for cars, but he was legit staring too hard. If he looked any harder, his eyes would strain. He was that type of awkward guy.

He thought about the trail where they kissed. If he ever felt lonely, he would probably go back there to reminisce about the happy memories. Nightmare didn't know if they were a thing yet. A part of him held out the hope that Killer would consider it, but 70% of him guessed that it would take more than a kiss. Killer wasn't the type to get into relationships, he knew that. He had went through too many painful relationships that went up in flames.

It was hard being friends with Killer. Nightmare couldn't imagine how much harder it would be to be a couple with him. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he just knew that Killer's personality was... pretty unlikable. Nightmare has heard it from Cross, Dream, Horror, hell- even Swap. Of course they tried their best to sugarcoat it (except for Horror), but he could see past those layers. He could see that they just didn't want to invest in the friendship. 

Yes, Killer has constant unexplained rudeness. Maybe he ruffled feathers with his apathetic advice. Or maybe he cursed too much. These could be seen as undesirable.

"But doesn't everybody have undesirable traits?" Nightmare thought. He felt that Killer created a facade that showed himself as strong, selfish, or even emotionless. But he was hurting inside, and everyday his facade cracked a little more, exposing the depression inside, a writhing snake overdosed with foreign poison and drunk with alcohol.

Killer seemed perfect to Nightmare. All the weird jokes were charming, the curse words funny, and the weird smiles adorable. Why couldn't anyone else see that? Maybe society just didn't understand. Or maybe he was too messed up in the head. 

All this thinking made Nightmare appreciative of Dust. They've had their differences, but the hooded skeleton has been supporting Killer for so long. They were best friends bonded by loyalty. And that weird ritual they did where they pricked their fingers and pressed them together. In a way, Nightmare is grateful that Dust exists. Killer really needed a friend.

"Hey, why are you thinking so hard?" Killer hummed, resting his head on Nightmare's shoulder. Their favorite bingeing show was on, and they were sharing a blanket with a bowl of popcorn. "If I asked you why Alison died, you wouldn't know, wouldn't you?" he laughed, playfully flicking the taller's forehead.

Earlier while Nightmare was taking a shower, Killer raided his wardrobe and started trying out clothing. He ended up snatching the most expensive sweater and refused to take it off. So, like a good "friend," Nightmare let him wear it.

"To be honest, I wouldn't. I disliked Alison anyways," the taller grumbled, subtly wrapping his arm around Killer. "Do you like her? She's like the opposite of you. Very kind and humble." 

"Umm, well she is very funny. I like people with comedy because I get bored too quickly," Killer murmured, leaning into the embrace. Suddenly, he giggled, "You are very funny. I love pissing you off!~ Full homo."

"I don't think sexuality applies to that, but okay. I like you too." He quickly looked away, covering his mouth with a sleeve. Why did he say that? The conversation was going to get awkward. Killer was probably about to clown on him.

"Awe, babe, me too! We are the bestest," Killer cooed, hugging his arm. Closing his eyes, he murmured, "We are so good together. Don't you think?" His cheeks flared into a luminous red tint, but he ignored it. They were having a nice moment, who cares?

Nightmare hesitantly looked back at Killer. Their eyes locked, and he resisted the urge to look away again. He blushed. "Y-yeah... but you're so much better than me."

"Psh, don't flatter me. You know everyone fuckin' hates me, right?" Killer muttered, looking somewhat sad. "You can wow everybody with your high heels and I can disgust everybody with my porn shots. Believe it or not, but I get more hate than you." Suddenly, he got a fit of rage. "Why does everyone hate me? Just because I accept my body?!" He sat up and clenched his fists. His hold on Nightmare strengthened.

"Do you think I'm slutty too? I can see everybody lookin' at me. Waitin' for me 'ta mess up so they can cancel me." He took in deep breaths, then smiled his trademark smile. "Oh, well." Leaning back on the couch, he rested on the taller's arm. "All that matters is you, Nighty. If you're happy, then I'll be the happiest skeleton on Earth. Well- you would be as happy, so maybe we'd fight for first place- but it doesn't matter, we'll be both happy."

"Kills..." Nightmare whispered, looking at Killer with a pained expression. He reached out and clasped their hands together. "I'm not happy if you aren't, so don't tell me any of that. We're in this together. I... really like you." The smaller looked up in shock, then smiled crazily.

"Oh, I see. You're so adorable," Killer murmured, then laughed, kissing Nightmare repeatedly. "Oh, oh! You finally said the sentence! Well, it's not the L-bomb, but I'll still take it! I really like you too." He sighed in relief. "Isn't it so much more comfortable now?" His eyes were glossy.

"I love you so much, so much that it hurts..."

Nightmare grabbed Killer's shoulders and kissed him. It seemed so magical to him. How could someone like him find love? It seemed impossible. But here he is. The love of his life was right here the whole time, waiting for him to make the first move. His tongue fought for dominance.

Time stopped in his mind. He wish he could encapsulate this memory in a bottle and keep it forever. 

Suddenly they separated, a long string of saliva creating a bridge between their mouths. Killer's eyes were half-lidded, his tongue sticking out. God, he was irresistible. He just wanted to own him, right there, right now. But he held back.

Nightmare decided it would be a good time to pop the question. 

"Would you be my boyfriend?" he asked, his question laced with a little nervousness. For some goddamn reason, his mind still had a cell of uncertainty. "Sorry if-"

Killer connected their mouths again, moaning into the kiss. Then he separated, giggling mischievously and covering his mouth.

"Heh, sure."


Words: 1.14k

Third part? If you want it you're gonna have to tell me what they gon' do lmao-

Anyways we can all admit they're cute af and will still be aesthetic

Also lmk if I should draw Killer's Outfit/Nightmare's Outfit. I'm not sure if y'all can imagine it from my writing. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I made it a little shorter so you slow readers can have some extra song left.

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