💢 pain and suffering.

527 17 14

A new tag for angst (💢) Since I've done many fluffs before, I'm not planning to give them a tag. Oh yeah, I'm going use the speed of ~300 WPM now. If you read slower, then you're below average oop- 👁👄👁

(Human! Nightmare x Human! Killer)

FANON-ish I guess


Nightmare pulled his tangled black hair back with a comb. Of course, the overlying amounts of knots prevented a full job, ending with the comb getting stuck in his hair. Groaning, he yanked it out, carelessly throwing the object into the bathroom cabinet before slamming it shut.

"God, I look like shit."

It was a casual comment but made him furious. Over a toxic relationship, his life was turned upside down. Simple remarks about his appearance dug nails into his skin, instead of bouncing off like usual. And he had picked up the bad habit of cutting. It was what it was.

Cupping his hands together, he let the water overflow before splashing the contents on his face. Grabbing a towel, he slapped his face into it, drying off any excess dripping water. Then, he examined himself in the mirror.

Just a scrubby boy. Still has bed head hair. Huge eyebags. Tattoos littered all over his face.

♫ In your dreams, when you eat, in your feelings 
♫ I'll make it hard, I'll make you starve 

It was simple. He wanted revenge against his ex, Ccino. (I was originally going to choose Color, but that might give you guys eye aids.)

Common enough for Nightmare, revenge wasn't a very new concept. He had done it millions of times before, each time-varying in seriousness. He'd rather show off his history to everyone, but too bad it was an unliked trait. Well, except for Killer, but he was a maniac, so what did he know?

Nightmare slipped a baggy jacket onto his shoulders, while simultaneously trying to stretch. He felt like he got shipped into a package for three years, maybe more. He hadn't gone to the gym for a long time because of his moping, so he made a mental note to return to that schedule.

Ring! Ring!

"Who the hell is calling me at 4 AM?" Nightmare grumbled. "I thought no one would be awake at this time." He purposely woke up at this time so he wouldn't be annoyed by pedestrians, but it seemed like even phone calls could do the trick.

Killer | Co-worker

That seemed more reasonable. KIller was known for getting up in the middle of the night and screaming bloody murder a lot, so the fact that he was online probably meant it happened again. Or, he's pulling an all-nighter with Dust and Cross to play weeb video games.

♫ And while you chew it I want you to imagine 
♫ How I felt when I saw you grab him 

"Hello?" The voice came off as a little crackly.

"Why are you calling me at 4 AM."

"I'm bored."

"Bored of screaming bloody murder?"

"How'd you know?"

Nightmare suppressed an eye roll. "Just a lucky guess."

"Damn. Well, I can hang up now."

"You don't have to. Aren't you bored?" he asked, adding, "I'm going on a walk, you can come." The extra company would be welcome, and maybe he could rant Killer to death.

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