love is a bitch

519 22 20

SUGGESTED BY: @multi_ship_join

I'll let you know my thoughts in the A/N at the bottom <3.


Nightmare took a small sip of his wine, groaning tiredly. This house party was fun at first, but after two hours, the place was getting very distasteful. Before, it only smelled like marinating rotten eggs in old socks. Now, it smelled like vomited alcohol topped with dead animals. Both smells were absolutely disgusting, but Nightmare admitted dead animals smelled worse.

He took glances at a person across the room. That person was Killer, a drunk and high ass skeleton that was currently grinding on a lamp. "That fool. Idiocy like that will only get him killed," he muttered under his breath. He said that coldly, but a part of him felt guilty. That feeling was then replaced with anger. He was supposed to be the King of Nightmares! Ruler of the Dark!

His grip on the stairwell rest tightened, and he resisted the urge to go up and slap Killer's stupid face. Then he sighed, releasing his grip to facepalm. "You jerk. Why can't I stop thinking about you?" It was custom for Nightmare to keep everyone in check, berating the ones who weren't. However, Killer was able to bypass those rules. Every time he'd scold the smaller, Nightmare would get a rush of guilt. That guilt alone was enough to ignore some of Killer's future fuck-ups.

The octopus snapped out of his thoughts and looked back up to check on the other. He was currently drunkly making out with another skeleton. "Oh great. Hopefully the other skeleton has no bad intentions, or else I'll have to break some bones and file some lawsuits," he complained, narrowing his eye. Killer was literally giving the other skeleton a lap dance for god's sake! He should be allowed to yank the inappropriate-dressed skeleton off the other's lap.

But he didn't. For now. That now lasted about five seconds before he decided "fuck it" and walked up to the couple. He gripped Killer's shoulder. "You're intoxicated, Kills. Come with me." The skeleton below him glared at Nightmare, but he didn't care. After all, he was stronger in every way.

"Ugh- Nighty wait your turn!" Killer groaned, glaring up at him with half-lidded eyes. "I'm a very busy- hic- man. I work and shit-" He couldn't finish his sentence, urking before swallowing his vomit. "I work a 9-5 job at an office! I am very professional, bitch-" Then he shut his eyes before opening them again. "W-what was I talkin' bout again?"

Nightmare groaned. "I guess I have to do this the hard way." Swiftly, he picked Killer up, holding him bridal style. "After this incident, no alcohol for a week." He stared down at the skeleton he was carrying. He tended to keep changing his mind. One second and he would be screaming at Killer to fuck off, another second he would cling onto him, overprotective of everyone that spoke with the smaller. "Ugh... I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for his stupid tricks..."

"What was that about stupid sticks? You know my dog loves sticks. You can't- ugh- trash on his friends like that," Killer grumbled, adding, "You didn't even let me get that guy's number! I could've gotten another fuck buddy, ugh. What's your problem?" That stung Nightmare's heart a little, but he decided to act nonchalant about it.

"I thought I was your fuck buddy."

"Well, you can have more than one fuck buddy. You know that right?" Why was it that way? Nightmare didn't understand how some people could just move on like that. How could anyone have more than one partner? It seemed like another planet to the octopus. His eyes stung.

Love was such a bitch.

He glared at Killer. "Okay, whatever. We're leaving now." Nightmare opened the front door, leaving the house. Immediately he let out a sigh of relief. Wow, that smell was so bad that he was getting used to it. The breath of fresh air tingled, soothing his senses. Then, it ended so quickly.

(Fanon part. Well, everything is fanon about Nightmare "Sans" now so whatever.)

"Put me down," Killer growled, biting his left hand. "Fookyuuu-" He didn't stop until he drew blood. Golden liquid poured out, smearing on his face. Ichor. The gods' blood. Nightmare quickly hissed, dropping Killer. He heard a crack from his back but ignored it.

Quickly getting up, he rubbed his spine to feel for damage. Was that indent supposed to be there? Whatever. Killer started sprinting across the grass, only tumbling a few times. His adrenaline popped in, boosting his already great head-start. Glancing behind him for a second, he yelled, "DON'T COME AFTER ME!"

Nightmare looked up, panicked. "DON'T RUN ONTO THE ROAD!" The only response he got was a middle finger before he disappeared around the corner.


Words: 809

It was a pretty short song so I didn't really want to write too much LOL- Anyways, I never knew this song existed. It did give me some inspiration.

Also if you guys are wondering if Killer is okay, yeah, he is. He only got run over by a car.

- halsey

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