famed murder.

547 22 42

⚠ TW: mentions of suicide, gore, abuse ⚠




You have been warned.


Nightmare felt like dying right then and there. But he had to preserve for Killer. "Suspect, what is your relationship to Killer?"

He cleared his hoarse throat, raw from screaming and crying. "Ex-coworker, ex-mentor, and boyfriend." Fiddling with his collar, he looked at the detective with uneasy eyes. "We were dating in secret. Company regulations." Killer and Nightmare were both members of a K-Pop group called ELITE. They had five members, the other three being Cross, Dust, and Horror.

Nightmare was the leader and known for his high, delicate singing. He had damaged his lungs from smoking, so he planned on teaching Killer all of his tricks and high notes before it completely failed. Killer was known for his smooth runs and strong, belty notes that edged off into quiet whispers that felt like silk. He had an impressive range, so he could go alto too if he wanted to.

Cross was known for being the "PR" of the group, saving the missed parts of the other members. He could rap and sing moderately well, so it was a good thing that he had a fast reaction to prevent any misses. After all, everyone had off-days. He couldn't really save Nightmare's parts, since they were many octaves higher than he could handle, but it wasn't like that octopus missed parts anyway.

Dust was known for his fast rapping, in the sense that people could still write lyrics, but had some difficulty doing it. He was quiet for the most part but could get loud and brash whenever he wanted to. He paired well with his best mate Horror, a loud energizing ad-libber. They rapped together, taking quick turns to make an impressive joined verse. In general, they did everything together, but it was the rapping that made people scream.

"Did you know Killer was depressed?" the detective asked, pushing evidence bag #1 forward. Inside the bag contained a long bottle of pills prescribed for Killer Sharpen. Take one every day. Antidepressants.

"I knew he had a hard time seeing the good in life, but no, I did not know he was diagnosed," Nightmare responded, shaking his head. "Killer told me he took medication for headaches, and I never fact-checked that." Why did Killer lie? It gave the octopus a little pain in the heart to know that even the smaller didn't completely trust him.

"Mhm. Can you tell me what happened again? I'll need you to describe in immense detail, excluding any unnecessary details. If you think it'll be of the slightest help, however, I want you to include it," the detective responded, flipping to a new page of her memo pad. Uncapping her pen, she looked at the skeleton expectantly. Nightmare nodded numbly and decided to recap what happened.

It was a cold morning, strangely so because it was midsummer. I checked the alarm clock groggily. 6 AM. I usually wake up at 7, but I didn't mind waking up early. I looked around my bed and realized that Killer wasn't next to me. That didn't concern me, considering he usually woke up early to watch the sunrise on the balcony. So, I got up and opened the balcony doors. To my surprise, there was no one there.

That sparked a thought of worry in my head. I usually didn't want to assume the worst, but something in the back of my mind told me Killer was kidnapped. After what happened, I wouldn't be surprised.

Our contracts got terminated, and the world got angry at us for wanting to be in love for once. My fans are known for being very obsessive, so the trend #Killerisoverparty had about 1.3k more tweets than my cancellation. They were vicious. They told Killer that he was a slut and a suck-up to me. They told him that he was horrible at singing and could never get to my "level". And finally, they told him to kill himself because he "deserved it".

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