it feels just right i can't explain it

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ok but this is a bop

please listen to the song

btw this is passive nightmare uwu


It was relatively dark outside, the sun slowly setting down. Nightmare sighed. 

"It would be the perfect time to have a loved one right about now. Santa is so rude. I asked for a girlfriend and he didn't even let me know if he got my text message."

He opened Instagram, slowly scrolling through his feed aimlessly. "God, I'm so fucking bored." He remembered his brother bringing him a lot of dates. Most of them were not to his liking- or as Nightmare said, wack- and all they did was waste time. "Why am I like this?"

Maybe he should go out and find himself a girl. Oh wait, he's anti-social. Whoops.

Suddenly, a picture caught his eye.

A picture from KillerBeane- AKA Killer- popped up. Killer was an Instagram fanatic, or what he called "Instagram famous". Everyday, he would walk outside, pull out his expensive ass phone, and take about a hundred selfies. Nightmare wasn't neighbors with him, but he already knew the gist when he came over and saw Killer doing a split and trying to take a picture with his non-existent nose. He didn't even notice the skeleton until he walked right in front of the shoot.

The picture showed Killer's full-ass female ecto-body, and he was wearing a skimpy bathing suit. Nightmare's first reaction? Throwing the phone across the room in a panic that anyone could've seen him viewing that picture, and jumping into the couch. Yes, into the couch as in trying to bury himself in the cushions.

"God, is he trying to get a new job as a porn star? These are literally nudes," Nightmare grumbled, muffled in the cushions. For some reason, he wanted to look at it again. "Maybe I should tell Killer?" He slowly opened his eyes and looked back at the phone. Such gentle curves, toned shoulders, and... what the hell is that smile?

Oh right, Killer has such a killer smile. It's so overkill. Nightmare decided to stop punning himself to death and opened his messages.

"Oh, Killer sent me something? I should stop putting my phone on silent." he clicked on their conversations.

Killer | 3 minutes ago

Awe thanks babe 😊

How bout we hangout some time? I'm free today if you're wonderin.

"Hmm. I guess I can sacrifice self reflection time for Kills."

Nightmare | just now

Oh, I'm free too. 😄

Don't you roller-skate? You can teach me, I've been wanting to learn for a while now.

Killer | just now

aw shit ya caught me

i'm kinda shite at teaching. how bout i hold ur hand? no homo tho

"Psh, 'no homo.'" Nightmare and Killer weren't really in a relationship, they just hooked up once in a while. However, the teary eyed skeleton always said no homo after small interactions like kissing, fondling, holding hands, etc. "Why don't you say that when we're jerking each other off?"

Dream didn't know they were hooking up. Maybe if he did, he would stop bringing Nightmare so many girls and start bringing him more boys instead.

Nightkiller One-Shots [Song-Based]Where stories live. Discover now