💛 babygirl [1/2]

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Killer giggled, leaning into Nightmare's touch. "You're so funny." The sun was slowly setting, it's soft light filtering through the satin curtains. The bedroom was dark, but they could still see each other in the bare light they had. Killer's mouth curved into a smile as he looked up at the taller, his eyes blissfully cloudy. "I like it." He curled his arm around the other's arm.

"Oh really? I should be cracking more jokes then," Nightmare murmured, nuzzling their non-existent noses together. It was such an ethereal moment. Killer breathed in, then let out a held-back exhale. The world could end and he would die happy. He'd rather die young than lonely anyways. "You seem starstruck." His voice was so deep and soothing, it settled deep inside him.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he whispered breathlessly. Killer felt honestly turned on. How couldn't he be? He had the perfect man in front of him. They were sitting in Nightmare's bedroom, alone. The door locked. Both sitting on their legs on the bed, wearing nothing but T-shirts and shorts. Nightmare's ebony-colored bones glistened under his white t-shirt, apparent from the outside. Killer's legs shifted impatiently.

He quietly wished the sun would set quicker. It was a nice view, but he felt like anyone could look in at them. The sun's prideful eyes would disappear behind the mountains, letting them breathe in each other's existence.

They would close the curtains, caressing each other's bodies, the heat burning strong between them. Tangled in the silky, velvety sheets, not wanting to ever get out. A second time. Then a third. A secret between them. No one would know except them.

Only them.

--- Sin Warning, 18+. You have been warned. ---

Nightmare took subtle glances behind him at Killer as he dried himself off with a fluffy towel. He knew he promised not to peek, but he was honestly excited. Killer had a very curvy ecto-body. It was irresistible every time he saw it, but he always acted composed. In reality, he just wanted to eat him up until there were only crumbs left. "How long?" he asked, pretending to not see him.

"Give me five more minutes," Killer responded, twirling in front of the mirror. Usually, he would call Nightmare a horny bastard, but he would be lying if he wasn't also aroused. He closed his eyes, letting out deep breaths. He prayed that he wouldn't get pregnant. They had no condoms. Again.

Every time they had sex, he would write down a reminder on his phone to buy condoms on the way to work. But every time, he'd forget to look at his phone, and the moment he'd remember was the moment where he was straddling Nightmare. At that point, he couldn't wait until later to continue their advances.

Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts by a pair of arms grasping his waist, pulling him up. He panicked, opening his eyes and looking behind him. But before he could see, one of Nightmare's tentacles wrapped a cloth around his eyes.

"You were taking too long, I got impatient," he whispered into Killer's non-existent ear, sending tingles down his spine. Slowly but quickly Nightmare started rubbing his hips, peppering kisses around his neck. Killer let out small gasps and leaned over, gripping the handles on the wall mirror.

Nightmare stopped at his collarbone, breathing heavily. Then he leaned down, biting hard. "Ghh- Nightmare-" Killer let out gasps, tears rolling down his cheeks. God, it felt so good. It hurt like hell, but he was turned on from those types of things. He threw his head back, letting out a long, pained moan. His legs quaked, bending under the weight of the pleasure. Killer was still blindfolded, but maybe it was better this way. It was more kinky and possessive of Nightmare. "Nightmare- I-"

"Shhh... I don't need to get a gag too, right?" he cooed, his right hand reaching up to fondle Killer's breasts. He seemed to take the message and nodded quietly. The smaller thought of purposely talking to get a gag, but decided against it. One time he choked on the gag and it didn't taste good at all. "Good girl." That sentence alone made him wet. He hoped that Nightmare didn't notice the precum dripping down his legs.

Unfortunately, he immediately looked down and saw the clear-ish fluid slowly dripping down. Suddenty, an idea came to his mind and he smirked. Picking up Killer- a yelp from the smaller- he placed him on the bed, leaving his ass up in the air. How fast could he make him cum?

Leaning over, his face was inches from his uh... butthole. Pressing his mouth to it, he kissed it lightly, causing Killer to squeak and buck his hips, trying to get the burning in his stomach to go. His attempts were in vain, and all that he was able to do was cause his vagina to drip more.

Nightmare pressed Killer's legs down, two of his tentacles holding his wrists. "Don't move okay? I'll make this quick." He leaned forward again, then smiled. This was the fun part. He pressed his mouth to it again but this time, stuck his tongue up the uh... butthole. He pushed it as deep as he could, tasting the wet ecstasy Killer wanted to release.

The smaller jolted, then shut his eyes and arched his back, sticking his tongue out. It felt like heaven, something that was out of this world. He just couldn't explain it. He was covered with sweat, but it wasn't dirty. It was just... good. Everything felt perfect. He never wanted to admit it, but these moments made Killer feel like Nightmare actually owned him. Without the taller, he wouldn't feel complete. "Ugh- Angh-" He couldn't stop moaning.

Nightmare closed his eyes, his right hand reaching up to rub Killer's clitoris. The cold metal of the piercing was a familiar touch. He remembered the smaller got it on his last birthday. Apparently it "made orgasms even better". He didn't have anything to complain about anyway. It was cute. His two idle tentacles started rubbing the smaller's nipples, teasing the other.

Then just as it had just started, Killer let out a strangled cry and released on Nightmare's hand, the creamy-white fluid dripping down his arm. "Damn, that's a lot," he laughed, bringing his hand up to his mouth to lick the contents. It was bitter and salty like caramel, but he didn't mind. After all, he liked bitter things.

The smaller collapsed on the bed, huffing. "You're... so mean..." he wheezed, rolling over to pull the blindfold off. Adjusting his eyes to the darkness, he looked up at Nightmare resting his cheek on the cum-stained hand. "Oh wow- that is- wait, is that just me? I think I might have a problem, actually," Killer asked, raising a non-existent eyebrow.

The taller just wordlessly looked up and down his body, tracing his finger around every scar. He wanted to go for at least two more rounds, but Killer seemed winded. Maybe they would continue another time. They had eternity, after all. "Are you tired?" he asked curiously, cocking his head to the right.

"Uhh- no? I dunno, we need a recess break. Plus, I was supposed to wear lingerie but you didn't even give me 5 minutes," Killer huffed, turning his head to the side. "SMH." He was looking forward to wearing his outfit for a while. Maybe the surprise wouldn't be ruined yet.

"Oh really? Surprise me," Nightmare purred, kissing the smaller's cheek quickly. "I'll be more than glad to see what you have in store."


Words: 1.25k

Okay I have to sleep- Wattpad is so goddamn buggy that I don't even know if I can get this out. Anyways there's probably gonna be a part two and somehow I could write a lemon but I couldn't write Troublemaker's lemon. Probably because that was not romantic at all and was just literal sex and this one was hella cute and I actually felt inspired. Anyways expect Nightmare's big PP in the next one-

- Lunar (yeah I changed my name wanna fight)

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